Sunday, March 31, 2013

14 Weeks

     Whew!  What a week!  I'm 14 weeks today!  This last week was a crazy and busy one!  We moved into our new home!  I am so glad we are finally in our new house!  It was definitely hard being pregnant this week!  I had to keep reminding myself that I couldn't lift anything too heavy while we were moving!  Being pregnant and moving has been difficult.  Even now that we are moved in I still find myself wanting to move a piece of furniture from one room to another or carry in a box to unpack.  I have to keep asking my poor husband to help!  I am sure he is definitely gotten his workout this week!  I This last week I was so busy that I would forget to eat and then I would find myself nauseous!  But as soon as I ate it would go away!  I sure made up for not eating enough at Easter lunch yesterday!  I had two huge platefuls!  LOL! I have been getting my energy back which I am so thankful! I haven't really had any new food cravings.  I am starting to sleep better but I am still really really tired in the mornings!  But that could be because I have been going to bed really late!  I am hoping to get on a better sleeping schedule this week! It seems like pregnancy is going by so fast!  I can't believe tomorrow it will be April! Dacen's birthday is in April!  I can't wait for his party!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt at the Ranch

     Today we went to the family ranch for Easter lunch and an Easter egg hunt!  We love it at the ranch! It is so pretty there and today was BEAUTIFUL outside!  Dacen had so much fun playing with all his cousins and hunting for Easter eggs!  After the ranch we came home and did some unpacking and then later I went and bought stuff for Dacen's Easter basket.  I decided to use his basketball Easter basket from last year since I am trying hard to not buy things if we don't really need!  His cousin had some Orbeez and Dacen thought they were pretty cool, so I picked him up some. I also got him a set of guns with darts for him and his daddy to play. I HAD to get him Alvin and The Chipmunks Easter movie!  They always come out with an Alvin and Chipmunks movie for the holiday and I have gotten him every one so far! He loves them!  And I threw in a 3 Musketeer!  Tomorrow morning I am going to wake up and make orange rolls and give him his Easter gifts! What are you doing this Easter weekend! Hope you are having a good one!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Bunny Visit

     Tonight Dacey and I took Dacen to see the Easter Bunny and then we went to the movies to see The Croods! We were not impressed and It lost all of our attention so we decided to leave after about halfway through! We still had a fun time and Dacen loved getting to eat popcorn or as he calls it "poppycorn"! Today was a day full of fun! We also closed on our old home and our new home! Whew! So glad we are all done! Now to start unpacking!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

New Office

I finally have an office! I work from home full time so this is SO exciting for me! Today was my first day working in my new home office and it was so nice! We decided to put the treadmill and elliptical in the office! Hopefully if I am looking at the equipment all day it will remind me to get off my booty and actually use it! LOL! I have no idea how I am going to decorate it! I would love to hear if you have any office decorating or organizing ideas! Tomorrow they are putting up the shutters! I'm ready to see how they will look! This is definitely one of the rooms I was the most excited about. I will try to get a better pic once we are all moved in! We close on our old house tomorrow and are hoping we can close on the new one finally!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

First Night In Our New Home

Yay! It's our first night in our new home! Dacen loves his new room! We are busy unpacking so don't have much time to type a long post but I wanted to make sure I did a quick post so that I could look back and remember our first night in our new home! We LOVE it and feel so blessed! We are so excited to finally get to move in!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Slumber Party!

     Dacen is having a slumber party tonight with his Granny J and Auntie Dacey! The movers are coming at 8:30 tomorrow morning. So I'm glad they are watching him so he can sleep and we don't have to worry about him getting hurt while we are trying to move! Dacey just sent me this pic and he looks like he is having so much fun! They made a big palette and are watching movies! He has the best Granny J and Auntie Dacey! I can't wait to see what he is going to think of the new housea dn his new bedroom!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Break Time!

     We are packing away in the Elmenhorst house tonight!  Our closing was pushed to Wednesday since the storm shelter and fence are not complete.  However, our builder is nice enough that he is going to let us start moving stuff in tomorrow.  I think we are going to try and get all of the garage moved tomorrow and then we have movers coming on Wednesday morning to move everything inside.  Thank goodness we got movers because with me being pregnant we definitely need the help! I am taking a little break right now from packing to write my blog and indulge in a little late night snack!  I think it just might become a new craving of mine!  Birthday Cake Ice Cream Sandwiches!  Yummy!  I am definitely enjoying this little break because I am worn out tonight.  Not only are we packing but we decided to cut Dacen's hair tonight since I didn't want it to look all shaggy for his picture with the Easter bunny!  But if you have read my previous blog about him and haircuts then you will remember what a chore it is to cut his hair!  He still has not grown out of the stage of being terrified to death of getting his hair cut. I kept telling myself this time I would wait until he fell asleep but since we have been so busy with getting ready to move I have not been able to find the time to run him into a salon when he has fell asleep.  He did a little better once Steve started trimming it and he realized it didn't hurt, however, he did still cry the whole time :(  But we got it done!  So we should be good for a couple months now! Well... break time is over.  Back to more packing!  So ready to be done! Even though I will be packing and moving I am looking forward to being off work tomorrow :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

13 Weeks

     I am 13 weeks today! I haven't noticed any new symptoms.  I didn't have to take my Zofran at all this week.  The nausea is finally almost gone! YAY! I definitely wish I had more energy especially since we are going to be moving next week.  It is going to be such a busy week.  We close on our new home Tuesday.  This whole weekend we packed! Whew! I am so worn out!  I have not had any new cravings this week.  I am starting to sleep a little bit better now which I am so thankful for.  I have a really hard time wanting to get up out of bed in the morning though! LOL!  I keep telling myself I need to go to sleep earlier but then I find myself busy trying to pack things up around the house and then when I look at the clock it's past the time I said I would be in bed! I am still wearing my normal clothes so far.  Although, my mom picked me up a really cute pair of mint green maternity capri's from Target!  I am dying to wear them!  It's just been too cold here in Oklahoma :(  I keep hoping that any day now the weather will warm up! I am really hoping that I feel good this coming week since it is going to be so busy with the move!  I am so ready to be all moved in and to get on a schedule of going to bed early and working out!  Those are two of my goals once we move!  Here lately we have been eating out so much since it is more convenient with our lifestyle right now.  So I also would like to start cooking healthy meals at home too! Looking forward to an exciting but crazy week ahead!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Swimming Party

     Today we went to a birthday party! It was held at an indoor pool so Dacen got to go swimming! He was so excited when he woke up this morning and we told him we were going swimming! There was a big slide and he went down it all by himself! But he liked going down it with his daddy more! I loved getting to watch him and Steve play together! They had so much fun!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Chuck E. Cheese

     Tonight we went to Outback for dinner and then took Dacen to Chuck E. Cheese to play some games! Dacen has been such a good boy this week and so I wanted to do something fun with him tonight. Dacen had a blast!  I think his favorite part was the slide and the jungle gym.  He seemsed to like those more than the games! We had 574 tickets thank to Steve and his ski ball skills! LOL! So he picked out a bat and a ball! Recently he has really been into wanting to try and play baseball! I can throw the ball and he will swing at it.  He has even hit a time or two :) It was a great Friday night and I loved getting to spend it with my two favorite boys! I didn't get too many pics because my phone died! :/ One of these days I am going to get better at charging it!  But I did get a couple on Steve's phone! And of course I had to get the souvenier pics you can pay a token for and get!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Cleaning

     One of the best things about moving is cleaning out your closets!  Out with the old and in with the new! I am getting better at getting rid of things!  This is just from our closet! We are moving at a great time because we are able to do our Spring cleaning as we pack! Tomorrow we do the walk through on our house and we close onTuesday! Eeek!  I am getting SO excited!  I am almost finished packing up all of the closets and Steve packed up the attic and took some stuff to storage tonight!  Slowly but surely we are getting there!  Hopefully, we will have it all packed up in time! 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Sweet Boy

     I had to snap this quick pic of my sweet boy! I always make sure to sneak into his room to give him a kiss and make sure he is tucked in every night before I go to bed. Tonight he was sound a sleep and just seeing his precious face made my heart melt! I can't believe he is going to be 3 next month! He is the greatest gift from God! He is my world! He is going to be such a great big brother! I feel so blessed that I get to be his mommy! I love this little guy more than I can put into words!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Worst Garage Sale Mistake of the Century!

     So yesterday in my blog post I told you an event happened in junior high that I will never forget and I believe it is what has made it so hard for me to part with things.  In junior high we had a garage sale.  My mom and I were going through her closet getting ready for the garage sale.  We got to her purses and she held one up and said, "What do you think?" Now, you would think I would have known better but I knew absolutely NOTHING about fashion or designers back then.  Also, I grew up in a really small town and it was in the day before all the fashion shows you see on TV now were on!  Well, my response was, "Mom, eww it's brown with gold letters, put $1 on it and get rid of it!"  She questioned me and said, "Are you sure it was quite a bit of money and it's a blah blah blah (after this I just heard her rattle off some fancy name)"  This had no impact on me and I just looked at her and said, "Mom, really get rid of it!" Can you guess what it was???  A LOUIS VUITTON!!! Yes, a real vintage Louis Vuitton!  And I said put $1 on it?!?! I could just kick myself!  Unfortunately, she took my HORRIBLE advice and it sold in the garage sale for $1 :( 
     Fast forward to college where I am in a much bigger town and surrounded by all kinds of fashion and I start to hear all these girls talking about Louis Vuitton!  When I saw a picture of one I about fainted!  That next weekend when I came home I was rummaging all through the garage thinking maybe it was left in there somewhere in a sack or something.  But no luck it was definintely gone! I would LOVE to own a Louis Vuitton now, especially to have a vintage one! *tear* sniff* sniff* I actually had a "Louis" fund saved up but decided to put it toward the new house!  Maybe one day I will own one! But to this day I still can not get over me telling my mom to put it in a garage sale and to top it off for only $1! Oh how I wish I would have had even a little bit of fashion sense back then!  It's definintely a story that my mom and I have to tell now that we can look back on and laugh (well kinda laugh) but it's for sure an event that I will NEVER forget!  So now maybe you can see why it's so hard for me to part with things!  I feel like I might have another Louis Vuitton tragedy on my hands! I could just see myself back in the day saying, "Don't buy those shoes they are all red on the bottom!" In case you are confused by that statement that's a reference to Louboutin shoes ;) Another famous designer that I would never have known about back in the day! Tip from my story: Don't make my mistake, educate and embrace yourself with fashion and designers! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Packing, Pizza, and Secret Life

      I almost forgot that Secret Life of the American Teenage premiered tonight!  Luckily, my DVR kicked in and remembered for me :)  It is now only one week away until we move!  So the next week will be spent packing, packing, and packing! Tonight we had a pizza delivered, watched Secret Life, and packed! For those that watch Secret Life, what did you think of Amy's wedding dress? LOL! I will be really interested to see how it turns out!  She must be really creative, I wouldn't know where to begin to transform that dress! I give credit to people that can turn tarnished things into pieces of art! Really wish I had that talent!
     So I have realized as I have been packing that I think I might have a little bit of a hoarding problem! Yikes! I have came across so many things and thought, "why the heck have I kept this for so long?" Then right when I am about to toss it into the trash or the garage sale pile I think, "well maybe I will use this one day....hmm...should I keep it"!  Then I force myself to move it to one of the "not keeping" piles. It's a struggle but I am getting better! And I have only taken a few things out of the garage sale pile and decided to keep! LOL! Seriously though I have told myself I am not taking a bunch of junk that we don't use to the new house!  One good thing about packing is it really helps you get rid of what you don't need and get things organized!  The hardest things for me to get rid of are clothes, shoes, and purses!  It seems my luck that just when I get rid of something it comes back into style!  I think my problem with being able to part with items stems back to junior high! When an event happened that I will never forget! I will have to save that story for it's own blog post! LOL! Maybe tomorrow! :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

12 Weeks

     YAY!!! I'm 12 weeks!  I can't believe my first trimester is over!  I have heard a lot of people say that you are in the "safe zone" once you hit 12 weeks!  So I am super excited to hit the 12 week mark! I'm so happy and blessed that everything is going great!  My nausea is going away now which is so awesome!  I have not had to take the Zofran the doctor prescribed me at all this last week. However, yesterday I came down with a bad cold.  I thought maybe it was just allergies but this morning when I woke up I could tell it was a full on cold :(  I am really hoping I get over it soon since we are moving next week!  We have lots of packing to do this week. Usually, I would just take some cold medicine and go about my day but being pregnant I have been to afraid to take anything. So I am just trying to deal with it.  I have been eating oranges ALL day! Hopefully, the vitamin C will help. As far as any new symptoms this week, there really hasn't been anything that I have noticed.  I have just noticed that I am starting to feel better and get my energy back. Please excuse the no make up in my pic.  I have pretty much laid around all day since I have not been feeling well.  Hope you had a wonderful St. Patty's Day!  I celebrated the day by eating a bowl of Lucky Charms! LOL!  I forgot just how yummy that cereal is! How did you celebrate?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Chicken Potpie

     Today was a pretty day outside but Dacen and I have been sick all day! No fun! :( I can't tell if it's just our allergies or a cold. We did make it to Wal-Mart to pick up some groceries but other than that we laid around and watched The Lion King and Tangled as I did a couple loads of laundry. I wanted to have a good home cooked meal tonight since I wasn't feeling well! Also, I am so tired of eating out! Chicken potpie is one of my favorite home cooked meals! I got the recipe from The Pioneer Woman's Cookbook! Her first cookbook, I know she has a second out now and I can't wait to buy it! Her recipes are so easy to make and are so yummy!  If you have not made one, you definitely should look one up and make it for your next lunch or dinner.  I have to admit I do cheat on the crust part.  Hers is homemade and mine is just the Pillsbury pre-made pie crust.  However, I did try the homemade pie crust when I first made it and it was delicious! This is a recipe that I make so much that tonight I didn't even have to pull the cookbook down from the shelf!  I now have it memorized! LOL! My mom came over and had dinner with us since Steve is still out of town.  She also helped me get Dacen ready for bed which I was so thankful for since I am not feeling all that great still. Now I am sipping on some Sleepytime tea and getting ready to climb into bed.  Hopefully, when I wake up tomorrow Dacen and I will be all better! Now is not the time to be getting sick with our big move coming up.  What is your favorite home cooked meal?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Shut the Front Door!

     I drove by our new house today and they have the front door we picked out put on! I really like it! They also poured the drive way and walk ways!Today was a beautiful day outside! It was in the 80's! My sister and I opened the windows and she got to take Dacen outside to play! I had to stay in and work (boo!) but I loved getting to watch him play out the window! He had so much fun! He loved getting to drive his car! I am hoping the weather continues to stay as nice as it was today! I can't wait to take Dacen to the zoo!
     My sister and I had a little makeup session after I got off work! I don't like having my picture taken as you can tell below, but I loved my makeup! She always does an awesome job! Every time she comes over I am always begging her to do my makeup for me! I am so lucky I have a sister with mad makeup skills! The only pic I have is this silly one she snapped of me but thought I would post it anyway since she did such a great job! Loved getting to hang out with her!  We always have so much fun!
     This weekend Steve is going to be gone so Dacen and I will be chilling at home and I will be packing! It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate over the years! If tomorrow is nice outside I am hoping to go for a walk to the park with Dacen! Hurray for the weekend!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Favorite Easter Treat!

     It is that time of year where Easter is right around the corner!  It is this time of year that my favorite treat is out!  Cadbury Eggs!  YUM!  It's kinda crazy because I am not much of a chocolate person but I love me some Cadbury Eggs!  I think it is the filling in the middle that makes me love them so much! I remember I tried one for the first time in high school and every year since then my mom will always buy me some around the Easter!  This year was no exception without fail my mom bought me some and had my sister bring them to me when she came over to babysit Dacen. They are the perfect treat and hit the spot when you are wanting something sweet!  I would say Cadbury Eggs have been my pregnancy craving this week. It's a good thing these are only available once a year! Also, I think because I have to wait a whole year to have them it makes them that much better!  It's kinda like Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas cookies!  What is your one time of year favorite treat? 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ultrasound Day!

     Today we got to see our baby again and hear the heartbeat this time!  It was beating at 163 beats per minute.  I am 11 weeks and 3 days today.  We went to a Perinatal Center that does genetic testing and they give you an  ultrasound where you can see your baby on a big plasma TV.  It was amazing!  We did this same testing with Dacen around 12 weeks.  Since they gave us the option we figured we would do it again with this one since I remembered the ultrasound being really cool! We got to see our baby's perfect little profile and tiny hands and feet!  I am still smiling from ear to ear!  Seeing our little one on the screen and hearing the heartbeat just made my day! As I was thinking about the journey of pregnancy and watching our little peanut's tiny hands and feet move around it reminded me of how pregnancy is such a miracle! Even though on the screen and pictures our baby seemed big it is really only about 2 inches!  It's unbelievable to me that so much can be going on and growing, that is something SO tiny!  Our little cutie pie was VERY active!  I loved getting to watch it move around!  They couldn't tell us for sure what we were having but maybe it's a girl??? I know it was at this ultrasound they were able to tell what we were having with Dacen and I remember them telling us they were pretty sure he was a boy.  We should be able to tell for sure at our next appointment that is scheduled for April 24th. Today was a wonderful day and I feel SO blessed!  I am so very thankful everything is looking good and healthy with the baby! We came home and showed Dacen the pictures! Not sure he understands yet but he is getting pretty good at saying, "baby in tummy" and will give my little bump a kiss!  It's SO cute! Here are the pics below.  What do you think we are having?  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kitchen Granite

     Our kitchen granite is finished! Yay! We chose black pearl for our kitchen granite. It was Steve's idea to go with the black pearl. I was SO nervous about how it would turn out since we chose a dark stain for the woodwork! I was really worried about it being too dark. However, I thought if we added a lighter back splash it might just work! I have been waiting in anticipation to see the overall look! I finally got to see today! Not in person, but Steve went by the house and sent me this pic while I was in a meeting at work today! I LOVE it! So glad I trusted him and his taste in granite and I'm really happy that we stuck to the black pearl! I really like that it is unique and different from most if the model homes we looked at. I think the light back splash and light colored paint on the walls make a great contrast with the dark wood and black granite! Also, I really like that we made the kitchen island lighter by using a different granite and using antique white for the stain. The name of the granite on the kitchen island is Giallo Ornamental. Can't wait to move in! Less than 2 weeks away!

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Bachelor Finale

     I am SO excited about The Bachelor Finale tonight!  I know it has already started but I am DVR'ing it.  We just got home from dinner and I still have to give Dacen a bath, get his lunch ready for school tomorrow, and start a load a laundry.  Oh but I can't wait till I am able to kick off my shoes, get into my comfy clothes, and lay on the couch and enjoy 3 hours of the Bachelor tonight! YAY!  So who is your favorite Catherine or Lindsay? Usually, I have a favorite but this time around I like both girls!  I'm ready to see what the letter is about!!!   I have to say Sean has been my favorite Bachelor by far! I am excited to see who they will pick to be the next Bachelorette!  Well, I am off to get things done so I can get started watching it :)  

Sunday, March 10, 2013

11 Weeks

     I am 11 weeks now! Getting closer to being finished with my first trimester! The nausea is starting to subside.  I think I only had to take the Zofran the doctor prescribed me one time this week.  But I am still not sleeping well at all!  Maybe this weekened was a little harder just because Steve was away, but I tossed and turned so much!  I can't seem to get comfortable.  I have not noticed any new symptoms or things that caught my attention this week. I am still wearing my normal clothes, but I am not so sure I will be able to wear my work pants.  I typically work from home but I do have days every now and then where I have to go into the office.  This coming week is one of them so it will be interesting to see which of my work clothes still fit me. Now that I am starting to feel a little better I am hoping to start walking more.  I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can take Dacen on walks to the park.  I know we both enjoy that so much!  I am really excited about this upcoming week because I have two doctor appointments on Wednesday for the baby!  I have a regular one with my OB/GYN and then I have one where they do genetic testing.  I will get to have an ultrasound and hear the baby's heart beat!  I can't wait!  It is the best sound in the world!  Well, that and when Dacen calls me mommy!  Love that too!