Thursday, January 31, 2013

So Sleepy

     I have been dreaming of our bed all day! The part of pregnancy where you are soooo tired has begun! Ahhh sleep! It does a body good! I can't wait to climb into bed and fall fast asleep! Our bed is my favorite piece of furniture in the house!  Not just for the looks of it but because it is SO comfortable! It is so fluffy and soft! It even beats those 4 star hotel beds!  *yawn* OK I am off to bed now!  I can't remember the last time I went to bed before 10! I have a feeling Dacen and I will start to have the same bedtime!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


     Tonight we went to dinner with one of our best friends and his little girl! We went to Eischen's. It is the oldest bar in Oklahoma and is known for their fried chicken! Even though it's called a bar it's more like a restaurant since kids can enter and you eat there! It's a bit of drive being that it is about an hour from our house but it is SO worth it!  We always like to go on a week day because if you go on a weekend it's usually a really long wait to get a table! During the week though it's not a problem at all to get a table right when you walk in.  They have yummy fried chicken, okra, and THE BEST chili cheese nachos EVER! Definitely not the healthiest food but it great tasting for sure! Sometimes some good ole fried chicken and messy nachos just hit the spot! The kids had so much fun playing video games and we had a great time catching up!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Haircut By Daddy!

      Well we FINALLY got Dacen's haircut!  These last couple weekends we haven't had much luck getting Dacen to fall asleep riding in the car to be able to sneek him in some place to get his haircut.  Sooo tonight we had to go with our plan B, which was to take on the task of cutting it ourselves. We do not own any professional scissors so my husband just took his clippers and tried doing his best!  In the beginning, I felt so bad he just cried and said, "Owie"! But as you can see things got a little better.  An Oreo cookie and his Woody toy made things ALL better!  So glad we got it done and just in time for his school pictures on Thursday! 

Ready for bed and ALL done!
(After it was over he kept saying "all done, all done and I'm okay, I'm okay)

My little cuddle bug with his new haircut! So cute!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Beautiful Day!

     Today was a beautiful day outside!  I got to open up my windows today! Ahhh so nice!  You just never know what kind of day it is going to be in Oklahoma!  Today was beautiful and tomorrow it's suppose to rain.  It was so nice outside that Dacen was even able to wear shorts!  Can you believe that?! SHORTS in JANUARY?! Since it was such a pretty day outside Dacen got to play on his swing set!  His Nannie (Steve's mom) bought him a Rainbow swing set during the summer and he just LOVES it!  Auntie Dacey was playing with us outside too but didn't want her picture taken! LOL!  Best part of my day was seeing Dacen smile and hearing him laugh!  Love that little cookie! Now off to go watch The Bachelor! 

Sunday, January 27, 2013


     I have been craving birthday cake pops from Starbucks!  They are soo yummy!  I had one yesterday AND one today! LOL!  I am not sure if it is just a regular craving or a pregnancy craving but they are definitely what sounds yummy to me.  Especially after a meal! It's just the right amount of sweetness!  Not too much and not too little!  I am definintely going to have to get a recipe for these and make some soon! What have you been craving lately?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Our House is Officially on the Market!

     Our house is officially on the market now!  Yay!  We had our first potential buyers come and look at it today too!  We drove by our new home that is being buit and it is coming along!  They are already almost done bricking it!  Can't wait till they start putting the stone on it!  Tonight Dacen and I went to the mall with my mom and out to eat at PF Changs!  I love their egg drop soup.  So yummy! We had a great time!  Later tonight we watched The Lion King with Dacen and he acted out the entire movie for us all!  It was hilarious! 


Friday, January 25, 2013

Big Brother!

     Look whooo's going to be a.... BIG Brother!!! DACEN!!!  We are SO excited!  Can't wait to share the journey on my blog!  2013 is looking to be a a great year full of wonderful memories!  I am so glad I decided to start this blog so I can look back on them all! :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Spring Fever

     I am SO ready for Spring!  How about you?  I am ready to be able to take Dacen to the park and play outside everday!  Everytime I pick him up from school now he says "park, park, park" and its always freezing outside. So I have to end up telling him, "Let's go home and have some cookies instead"! LOL! This helps distract him so he doesn't get upset when we turn away from the park!  The other day we were lucky enough to have a day of beautiful weather.  So we got to take Dacen to the park but it was such a tease because the next day it was freezing!  I'm so thankful we had a pretty day but it made me realize how much I can't wait till Spring!  Looking at Dacen's Easter pics from last year makes me even more impatient for Spring to get here!  Spring doesn't seem to last too long here in Oklahoma because before we know it, it is usually so HOT!  But it sure is nice while it lasts! It is probably a tie between Spring and Fall for my favorite season here in Oklahoma!  What is your favorite season?

Dacen's Easter pics from last year are by Katie Christy Photography!  She is AMAZING!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Clean Up! Clean Up!

     I have been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning tonight!  We are putting our house on the market tomorrow, so I'm trying to make sure that our house looks spic and span!  I am big list person so when it comes to cleaning I will usually write down each room and then under that room I write down all the things I need to do. For example, sweep, mop, dust, ect.. I love the feeling of when I get to check something off a list!  I know it's kinda weird but it makes me happy and makes me feel accomplished :) Also, it helps me stay focused and helps me to make sure I don't forget anything! However, I have not always made lists to clean.  I remember when I was younger and lived at home my mom and I would play Speed for the house?  If you have not played or heard of Speed it's a card game!  It's a fun, fast paced kinda card game.  Well, the loser of each round would have to pick a room they wanted to clean or we would play for certain cleaning tasks.  I will definitely be doing the same thing with Dacen when he gets older.  However, Dacen just HAD to help me sweep tonight! LOL! I know that won't be lasting long the older he gets!  Who knew a broom could entertain a two year old so much?! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Kitchen Sink Mission

     Today we ordered our kitchen sink for our new house!  We are getting closer!  We decided to order our kitchen sink ourselves and have the builder install it.  Our reason for ordering it on our own is because we want a farmhouse sink.  We decided to start looking and get one picked out today so we could send our builder the measurements. Who knew they were so expensive?!  My mission for today was now not only to find a farmhouse sink we liked BUT one that was a reasonable price.  We knew we wanted copper so that made this mission of mine even MORE difficult!  Seems that the copper ones cost more than the stainless steel ones.  I can say I am definitely worn out when it comes to google searching! I think we finally found our selection :) Check it out below!  It is from Home Depot. It is by ECOSINKS It's only $699 plus when you sign up for a Home Depot card you can get 10% off your first purchase and 6 months interest free. 
     Now we are trying to decide on which faucet to go with it.  We are leaning toward this one.  Also, at Home Depot by Danze Opulence

     SO happy we found a sink we liked and at a reasonable price.  $699 is still high for a sink but it sure beats paying $1,500-$2,500!  Have you ever picked out a sink?  Where did you find the best deal?  We are needing to pick out light fixtures next so if you know of a place to get a great deal on light fixtures please comment below! I always love when I can find a good bargain! 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Face Masks and Cookies

     Tonight Steve and I are going to watch The Bachelor together! So excited to see what happens! Earlier we did some grocery shopping and while we were there I found some face masks! I even found one for Steve to try! Says "for men" so hoping he will just go with it! LOL! Also, picked us up some yummy cookies! Face masks, cookies, and The Bachelor with my love! Sounds like a good time to me! But first it's time to give Dacen a bath, read him book, and get some cuddle time in! :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lazy Sunday

     Today was a BEAUTIFUL day! It has been a day full of quality time and great family memories! After lunch today we took Dacen to the park in our future neighborhood and then later met with our builder to go over what parts we wanted brick and stone on our house. They started laying the brick! Yay! Then we came home and opened the windows! I LOVE when we can open the windows! We live in Oklahoma, so usually it's either too hot or too cold! We have just been having a relaxing day and now are getting ready to have steaks for dinner! Love lazy days with my family! Feeling so thankful and blessed!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tint of Red

Today I got my hair colored! I decided to add a tint of red! :)

After my hair appointment I headed to dinner with my little sister Dacey and Dacen! We went Cheddars. Check out the nachos we had they were yummy!  Then I came home, gave Dacen a bath, and put him to bed. Now Steve and I are gonna watch Taken 2!  Oh by the way, House At The End of the Street was sooooo good!  Probably one of the best scary movies I have seen in a long time! Definintely a must see if you are a fan of scary movies! 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Frantic Friday Morning!

     Oh my goodness!!! I had a crazy morning! You won't believe what happened! Thought I'd share my frantic Friday morning. Today I was working from home. My little sister or mom watches Dacen while I work.  Most days I take him to their house, but today I thought I'd let him sleep in.  He woke up this morning and I made him some chocolate milk and then texted my sister to come over! This whole week while my husband was away I have been feeding Boomer!  He is a young puppy and loves to chew up anything and everything!  We have him sectioned off by a chain link fence in our backyard so that he will not tear up Dacen's playground.  He already destroyed the netting around his trampoline.  This whole week he has been getting out of the gate!  He keeps pushing the handle to the gate up with his nose.  Well today he had gotten out and after I handed Dacen his chocolate milk I went outside to put him back up and give him some food and water.  Our back door is tricky and will sometimes lock when you shut it so I had left it opened. Well... Bailey runs out and her and Boomer start growling at each other, so I put Bailey back in the house and without thinking shut the door!  You guessed it!  I LOCKED myself out with DACEN inside by HIMSELF!  I immediately began to panic!  

     Usually, I would have just called my husband but he was still in Vegas!  My sister and mom do not have a set of keys to our house (I am going to make sure they both have a set now).  Thankfully, my next door neighbor was home.  He tried helping me think of way to get inside but no luck!  He let me use his phone and I called the fire dept.  It was about this time that I was frantic and crying!  I kept going to the windows banging on them and yelling, "Dacen, Dacen, Dacen"  I couldn't see him anywhere. I am sure my neighbor thinks I am a nut! Thank goodness the fire dept. is right by our house they were here in a jiffy.  Our front door has small windows so they decided to break one out. I didn't mind at all I just wanted to know that Dacen was okay!  In fact, I tried breaking a window myself before I ran to my neighbors house but I was too weak! LOL! They had a cool tool that broke it right away! I ran in the house and picked Dacen up!  He was just sitting in the floor with my iPhone and a big smile.  Next I then ran to my work computer to make sure everything was alright! Just then my sister pulled up and saw the fire truck.  She didn't know what was going on.  She thought I started a fire! LOL!  SOOO... that was my morning!  

Below is our door now!  I'm really glad we only had to break this small piece on our door instead of a big window! Hopefully, we have it fixed by next week.  The glass company said they would be out on Monday to take a look at it. 

     I still can't believe the one time I get locked out of our house had to be when Steve was in Vegas!  He is home now and we are happy to have him back home.  We missed him and I have to admit I am ready to hand back over the responsibility of feeding the dogs. I think we have decided that we may need to sell Boomer.  He is a sweet dog, but I just don't think with moving and with how busy we are going to be that my husband will have time to train him.  Also, after this week I think one dog is definitely enough for me! Thank goodness it's Friday!  Now it's time to relax and hear all about Steve's trip and watch House At The End of the Street!  Happy Friday everyone :)  


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Space Bags

     Last night I posted about my trip to buys at Target and how I had bought some Space Bags to try out!  Well, I decided to try them out tonight and tell you what I thought and show you how they ended up working for me.  I bought the Cube Combo Pack.  This included 3 bags.  I Jumbo, 1 Extra Large, and 1 Large.  It says should fit 5 comforters, 10 pillows, and 25 sweaters!  I bought these to condense all of my comforters, blankets, and linens.  I figured having everything condensed will make it easier for when moving time comes! 

     I started with the Jumbo bag.  Here is a pic of the items I decided to start with.  I have 2 very large comforters (one is actually a duvet cover with the duvet inside), 1 quilt, 4 standard pillows, and a tiny decorating pillow. 

     Here is what it looked like after I put everything into the bag and then took my vacuum and sucked all the air out!  It all fit except two pillows!  I was impressed!  So I decided to move on to the next bag. 

     The next bag was the Extra Large bag.  Here is a pic of the items I put in this bag. I put the two pillows left over and then 3 more standard pillows. It ALL fit!

     Here is what it looked like when I was done.

     The last bag was the Large bag. In this one I put 3 blankets and multiple sheets (I forgot to count, but I think there were atleast two sets of sheets).  This ALL fit as well.

     Here is the end result of this bag.

     Overall, I was VERY surprised how quick and easy I was able to condense everything.  It is going to make it so much easy during our move. We can just put these cubes into a big box and tape it up! However, my only concern is what everything will look like when I open the bags.  I am curious if it will all be wrinkled and then stay wrinkled forever!  I am really hoping this will not be the case.  When I open the bags I will have to let you know what I think!  Have any of you used these Space Bags?  If so, what did you think? 



Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Target and Chick-Fil-A Love

     Do you love Target and Chick-Fil-A?  I sure do!  Tonight Dacen and I went shopping at Target.  My purpose for this Target trip was to buy dog food.  But I should have known that I can never just seem to buy one thing at Target! I always seem to get sucked in, whether it be clothes, shoes, makeup, home goods, kids stuff, I can go on and on!  This blog post might be boring to some but I always find it interesting to see what other people buy at Target, so thought I would share some of my purchases from tonight  !Don't worry I left out all the boring stuff like dog food! 

     First off, I found this awesome neon yellow shirt!  I have been wanting one like this for a long time!  I finally found one tonight and it was 30% off!!!  Whoo Hoo!  Next, I purchased some huggable hangers! I am thinking about converting all the hangers in my closet to these when we move, so I thought I would start buying them a little at a time.  These were on sale so I thought now was a great time to pick some up!  Speaking of moving I have been wondering how I am going to organize all our extra linens and comforters.  Right now they are in an extra bedroom closet but they take up SO much room!  I was trying to think of a way to condense everything and saw these space bags.  They seemed like the perfect solution, so I thought I'd try them out!  Next, I purchased some Sleepytime Tea for our Keurig!  I love this stuff!  It reminds me of when I was younger and would have late night tea talks with my momma! Just the smell of this stuff brings back great memories. It gives me a calming feeling and always helps me fall fast asleep!  Sometimes I add a little honey. 

     Last of all, are my two purchases for Dacen!  Mr.Bubbles-This stuff is the best bubble bath I have found so far!  A little bit goes along way and seems to make a lot of bubbles that stick around! When it comes to other bubble baths the bubbles seem to disappear fast. That is not the case with this stuff!  Then I got Dacen An American Tail!  Do you remember this movie?  I remember it from when I was little!  I remember the song the little mouse sang called "Somewhere Out There".  I thought Dacen might like it plus it was only $5!  

    Oh I almost forgot to tell you about my two beauty products I got! I picked up two of my must haves.  First, L'Oreal's Carbon Black Lineur Intense eye liner.  This stuff is long lasting and makes it so easy to get your eye liner precise. I also, purchased Sally Hansen's Double Duty Strengthening Base and Top Coat.  This product is what helped me FINALLY let my nails grow.  Every time I felt like biting them I would paint a coat of this on them.  All other times I would try to let my nails grow and then right when they would start to get long they would also be flimsy and so I would end up breaking them or biting them! This stuff did the trick for me. It actually made my nails so hard that I couldn't bite them. LOL! 

     After our Target trip we stopped by Chick-Fil-A and grabbed some dinner to take home!  Since it is just Dacen and I this week and it was getting late I figured we would just pick something up for dinner.  When it comes to fast food, Chick-Fil-A is one of my favorites! Oh so yummy!  It's one of Dacen's too!    Now it's off to go use our Mr. Bubbles and watch An American Tail!  I have not forgot about Nashville either!  I'll be watching that as soon as Dacen falls asleep! So excited to see what happens! :)  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Haircut Horror!

     Dacen needs a haircut SO bad!  However, he is TERRIFIED of getting his hair cut! I don't mean just a little scared or cries!  No.. I mean he throws the BIGGEST fit EVER!  He will begin screaming and clinging to me for dear life right when we walk in the door.  Then he starts saying, "OUCH, OUCH, OUCH" He started being afraid of getting his haircut after he watched "Tangled". LOL! At the end of that movie when Rapunzel gets her hair chopped off he always says, "Owie"! I've tried explaining to him that's it's not "Owie" that it's OK but no luck! I've tried giving him suckers, toys, my iphone. I'm surprised the iphone failed!  We can usually use our iphones to calm any situation. I know this may be terrible but yes.. I am guilty of doing this! Sometimes you just got to do what you can to get your kiddo to be quiet! LOL! 

   The only way we can get his haircut is to A: wait till he falls asleep and then run him into a Supercuts and have someone cut it the best they can while I hold him on my lap and try to position his head the best I can.  Or B: my husband takes the clippers and just shaves it all off while he is kicking and screaming in an empty bathtub and I am trying to hold him the best I can! NOT FUN!  So hopefully A will happen this weekend.  My plan is to take him for a drive during nap time and cross my fingers he falls asleep. Do any of you have ta "haircut phobia" problem with your little one?  Know of any tips or tricks that work? 

Check out this hair! Any styling tips? LOL! (He is enjoying a chocolate donut from Krispy Kreme. And I am trying my hardest to stay away from them!)

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Busy Week Ahead and Strange Spaghetti!

     Well, today begins my busy week!  My husband left for Vegas today!  My husband lucked out on this Vegas trip!  He works for his family's business.  They are a wholesale distributors for guns and ammunition. This week is what is called "The Shot Show". No wives were going at first so I didn't take off work then at the last minute things changed and I didn't have time to ask off for work :(  Darn!  Him and his other cousin switch going every year so maybe in two years I will get to tag along!  Also, it would have been terribly hard trying to figure out who would watch Dacen! His parents will be busy running the business (since they will be short handed without my husband and his cousin), my little sister goes back to college this week, and my poor mom has a really bad cold! So in the end I think I was meant to stay home this year! Although, I'm a tiny bit jealous and sad I didn't get to go, I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with Dacen this week!  It will definitely be one busy week!  

     Tonight I made spaghetti for dinner!  I have a really strange way of how I like spaghetti so I figured I would make this meal while my husband was away!  I am not a huge fan of spaghetti sauce so what I like to do is make little meatballs and noodles.  Then I dip the meatballs and noodles in... are you ready for this...Heinz 57 sauce!  LOL!  I know very strange way to eat spaghetti!  I made Dacen a plate but he just seemed to want Cheetos!  He is going through this very picky stage of eating! 

     Now off to give Dacen a bath, read him a book, and then some good old cuddle time!  Then I will be watching The Bachelor!  Oh I didn't forget :)  I made sure to DVR it!  Absolutely can't wait to watch!!!  

Here is my very strange spaghetti! :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Night at the Casino!

     Last night we went to the casino to celebrate my husbands birthday! We didn't win big but we did break even so that's always good! We started the night off with dinner! At the casino we went to they have a huge buffet! I am NOT a buffet person AT ALL! For some reason they really gross me out! However, last night they were having my husbands favorite "all you can eat crab legs"! So I sucked it up for the birthday boy and tried to make the best of it! LOL! He enjoyed it so that's all that matters! As we sat there I realized if I ever want to stick to a diet or not over eat just make sure we go to buffets! LOL! After we broke even we decided we should jump on the shuttle and head to the hotel so we could keep it that way and not risk losing anything! We got to sleep in this morning!  Ahh I love getting to sleep in! Sleeping in is definitely on my top favorites list!  We had so much fun and I loved getting to celebrate his birthday with him! However, we were both excited to come home to Dacen! We missed him but he had so much fun playing with his Granny J and Auntie Dacey! He loves staying with them! After we picked Dacen up and headed to Steven's parents for a birthday lunch for him! His dad made ribs and they were oh so yummy and his mom made chocolate chip cookies!  I definitely made up for not eating much at the buffet last night!  Then we came home and took a nap!  It's been a lazy day full of good food and hanging with family! Love the weekends!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy Birthday!!!

     Happy Birthday to my AMAZING husband, Steve!  Tonight we are going to dinner, then to the casino and staying in a hotel!  Wish us luck!  Auntie Dacey and Granny J will be watching Dacen!  Wish them luck too! LOL!   Thought I would post one of my favorite pics of Steve and me! Can't wait to celebrate with him tonight! :)  

Friday, January 11, 2013

Our Fur Babies!

     Do you have any fur babies?  We have two!  Bailey is our oldest.  She is a pomeranian.  Steve and I got Bailey right around our 1 year anniversary, which was in July 2005! Our other fur baby we just got this year around our 8 year anniversary!  His name is Boomer and he is a black lab!  Bailey is our inside cuddle dog and Boomer is our outside playful dog!  My husband actually got Boomer to be a duck hunting dog for him and Dacen.  My husband has been working on training him.  I have to say its pretty amazing what dogs can learn! 

     Dacen absolutely loves them both!  Bailey will follow Dacen all over the house!  When Dacen was a baby, Bailey would lay right by his side all day! Bailey has been such good dog, especially when Dacen was younger and didn't know that pulling her tail could hurt her! lol!  We soon taught him to not do this and he is much more gentle now!  Through all the pulling and tight hugs Bailey has never once bit or snapped!  She is very protective of Dacen and our house!   You would think the way she barks when someone comes to the door that she was some big dog! But nope she is just a tiny little furball with a big bark!  Boomer is Dacen's backyard buddy!  During the summer they played in the water sprinkler together and he would lick up Dacen's popsicle droppings!  

Here are a couple pics of Bailey and Boomer :)  

                  Bailey                        Boomer

Thursday, January 10, 2013


     Today was a rainy day!  I just made stew last week when it was cold and yucky so tonight for dinner we are having chili!  This is a recipe I have kind of just put together on my own.  I've taken a little bit from my mom and little bit from my husband and made it my own :) Again, just like the stew recipe you can add in other ingredients.  When I make it for my mom I add a can of diced tomatoes, but when I make it for Steve I eliminate that item from the recipe since he doesn't like tomatoes! Plus he already had to pick the tomatoes out from the Rotel! 


1lb hamburger meat
1 can tomato sauce
2 cans of water (1 can if you want it chunkier) 
1 can Rotel
1 can pinto beans
1 Tsb of chili powder
Shredded Cheese (optional)

1. Brown hamburger meat in frying pan.

2. In a large pot add the fried hamburger meat and other ingredients. I use the tomato can to measure the water!

3. Put lid on and let simmer for 30-45 minutes.

Easy peasy! Super easy!

I like to have my with shredded cheese sprinkled on top!  This goes well over Fritos, with cornbread, or saltine crackers!  Tonight I opted for saltine crackers! Also, this is another yummy leftover that tastes even better the next day!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dacen's Favorite Movies!

      Just like I have my favorite TV shows, Dacen has his favorite movies!  After I wrote yesterday's post I started thinking I should do a post of Dacen's favorite movies!  I wanted to do this post so I would have it to look back on and remember!  One of my main purposes for starting this blog was so that I could look back on 2013 and see all of our memories and favorites! So here are Dacen's favorite movies! 

All of the Toy Story Movies!  First off, he loves his Woody doll he got for Christmas!  Let me tell you I thought this year might be a version of the "Jingle All the Way" for me and Steve.  I was on a mission to find him a Woody doll for Christmas!  I bought him Buzz Lightyear earlier in the year from the Disney Store and he carried it everywhere and just loves it!  So when we set out to do our Christmas shopping the Disney Store was the first place I went with hopes in purchasing a Woody doll!  I was shocked when I walked in the store and the entire shelf where Woody dolls once were was completely EMPTY!!! Then the lady working there walked up and said, "Yep, they are all gone, we are even sold out online!" I looked at my husband in panic!  Luckily, we went to Toys"R" Us next and low and behold my husband found the LAST Woody they had!  I think I seriously started jumping up and down right there in Toys"R"Us. LOL! So anyway, Toy Story is definitely at the top of the list! 

His next favorite would have to be The Lorax.  This was one he got for Christmas!  Another Black Friday purchase from Santa's elf ;) His Granny J, Auntie Dacey, and I took him to the movie theater to see this and I couldn't believe how Dacen sit through in the entire movie! He didn't make a peep or a move!  He just watched in amazement!  I knew he must have loved it right then and there!  This week I have found myself singing ALL the songs from this lovely movie since it seems to be on repeat in our house! Yep, I know all the songs by heart now

Last of all, is one that Dacen has loved ever since I can remember him liking to watch movies.  That is Up!  Who knew?  I never would have imagined this being a favorite of his.  My husband and I are big movie buff's and actually bought this before Dacen was even born for our own entertainment!  We put it on for Dacen one night and it was all over from there.  From then on all I heard him say was "Up...Up...Up" LOL!

If you have a little one what's their favorite movie or what is your favorite "kid" movie of all time? 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

TV Premiers and A Blast from the Past!

     This week is packed full of all my favorite TV premiers!  The Bachelor, Pretty Little Liars, and Nashville!  Oh how I have missed them all!  The Bachelor aired last night and oh my goodness!!!  I can't wait to watch all the drama unfold this season!  Do you have a favorite yet?  I won't say anything because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who has not watched it yet!  All I can say is I can't wait till next Monday!!!
     Tonight is the premier of Pretty Little Liars!  This is my number 1, all-time favorite TV show!  I can't wait to see what is going to happen!  The Halloween special was SO good!  Do you know who "A" is?  Any predictions? I love how this show keeps me on the edge of my seat and is always surprising me with twists!  In the future I have got to read the book series!
     Last of all, is Nashville!  It comes on tomorrow!  This is a show that is fairly new.  It started in the fall and I am hooked!  My husband actually likes this one too!  I love the music from this show and love the story lines!  I had no idea Hayden Panettiere had a talent for singing until I watched Nashville!  My husband and I will usually DVR it and watch it together after Dacen goes to bed. This way we get a little TV date night at least once a week! 
     I sure do love the joys of DVR!  It's crazy to think about when we had to record TV shows on VHS tapes!  Speaking of recording on VHS tapes, just the other day my sister found a box with a ton of tapes that had "Dawson's Creek" wrote on them! LOL!  Do you remember "Dawson's Creek"?  Well, that was my favorite TV show in high school!  When she told me about this box of "ancient" findings it got me thinking about how much I loved that show. Recently, I just started watching it online from the beginning.  I will watch an episode here and there on my iPad while I am on the elliptical/treadmill or right before bed.  I have even gotten my sister addicted to it!  She was so much younger than me when I was in high school that she didn't remember much of it!  So if you are younger and don't remember the show you should check it out! Or if you do remember it you should still check it out for a blast from the past!  In the first season there are NO cell phones! LOL! It blows my mind when you stop and compare it to my favorite TV show today Pretty Little Liars, where cell phones are almost in every scene!
     Oh and here is a little fact about me (or maybe you would call it a bad habit) I tend to call TV shows, movies!  Ugh no idea why I do it!  LOL! However, I tried to make sure to keep correcting myself throughout this blog post so that I didn't confuse everyone! Thank goodness for the backspace button :) What is your favorite TV show?  What is your favorite TV show from the past?