Sunday, June 30, 2013

27 Weeks

I'm 27 weeks today! I am definitely starting to feel tired again! The lake wore me out this weekend! It's getting to move around. I don't have any new symptoms this week. Today I am super sore but I think that's because I got in the lake with Dacen this weekend! I haven't really worked out much this pregnancy so I am SO out of shape! Heartburn hasn't been too bad this week, which is good! Oh and I got the results back from my glucose tests and everything was normal! It's getting hard to sleep again but I did get to sleep in this morning and it felt so nice! I haven't had any new cravings, but I have really been liking lemonade and also the lemon lime Gatorade! I am looking forward to this week! We get 4th of July off! We are planning to go to a big fireworks display at a town nearby!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

More Fireworks

Well last night firework festivities turned out not so great! It was SO scary! One went off into the crowd watching! Thank goodness no one was hurt really bad! I am so thankful to God for keeping us safe! Dacen got a little burn on his chin and Steve got a couple burns on his face and a pretty good one on his arm. Thankfully when it happened Steve was able to pick Dacen up and run away from it really fast! So we were done watching them after that, Dacen was terrified a d so was I! We decided to come home from the lake today. It was tough being pregnant and at the lake and Steve was worn out! So tonight my mom, sister, and I took Dacen to the firework show in our town! Dacen was so traumatized from last night that at first he wouldn't get out of the car but finally we got him to get out! They had a bounce house and it was so much fun! Dacen soon was not scared anymore! I liked tonight way more than last night! It's much better watching then from a far and not having to worry about lighting them and it was safer! I have always just been one that loves to watch fireworks but not pop them! I'm glad Dacen warmed up and ended up having a good time! I have to say though I am so worn out now! I can't wait to take a shower and fall fast asleep in my own bed!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Fireworks and Fun

Tonight we came to the lake to celebrate 4th of July and pop fireworks! Dacen is having a blast playing with his cousins! We are waiting for it to get dark so we can start popping the big ones!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Date Night

     Tonight Steve and I had a date night!  We went out to eat at Whiskey Cake, where I got to have their yummy fried green tomatoes I have been craving and then we went to the movies.  We went and saw World War Z!  I let Steve pick them movie since he has been dying to see it! He read the book like twelve times!  I have to say I am not really into zombie like movies but this one was really good!  It kept my attention and had me on the edge of my seat the entire time!  I have to say I was really surprised, I ended up liking it and I thought I was going to be half asleep the whole time.  It was actually a little scary.  I hope I don't have nightmares.  However, it wasn't too bloody or gory which was good, I guess because it was rated PG. Which I was surprised when my husband told me it only PG. During the movie the baby was kicking like CRAZY!  It must have been because it was SO loud in the movie theater.  He was just moving ALL over the place! LOL! Dacen spent the evening with his Granny J and Auntie Dacey.  They ordered a pizza and watched movies.  Dacen had a great time!  And now my weekend has begun!  So happy I do not have to go to work tomorrow :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Big Brother

     YAY!  It's here, it's here! Big Brother premiered tonight!  Big Brother is one of my ALL time FAVORITE shows EVER!  I have NEVER missed a season! I am really excited about this season!  I think the two twists they announced are really good ones!  I can't believe there will be 3 nominees! Steve really gets into Big Brother with me too!  So do my mom and sister!  The people this season are definitely interesting. I don't really have a favorite yet.  I think it's pretty cool that Rachel's sister is on the show!  I wouldn't have realized it was her sister but when I look at them, they really do look alot alike!  I can't wait till Sunday!  I love that the show comes on more than one day a week!  And that there is Big Brother After Dark.  Steve and I will watch that sometimes before we fall asleep. When Big Brother After Dark first came out I was totally hooked!  I basically went to bed every night at 3 in the morning! LOL! Because I couldn't get myself to quit watching.  It's seems to be different with every season.  Sometimes After Dark is really interesting and sometimes I can go without watching it.  I am curious to see how it will be this season! Do you watch Big Brother?  Do you have a favorite picked out this season yet?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Drink Up!

Today I had my glucose screening! I got to have that oh so sweet drink they give you! I remember with Dacen it was orange and tasted awful this time it actually wasn't too bad! They gave me lemon lime! It kinda tasted like a really flat sprite. Not the best thing but not so bad! I had to drink it in 3 minutes. Which was no problem since I was actually really thirsty. After a while I was ready to eat, I didn't really care having the drink on an empty stomach but those were the rules. No food or drink before I came! I had a normal doctor appointment where they listened to the heartbeat and took all my vitals! Everything was great! Except for my urine sample it came back with high nitrates but then when I reminded my doctor I was doing my glucose screening today and hasn't had anything to eat or drink he said that was normal! They still sent sample off just to make sure I don't have a bladder infection. But since I don't have any symptoms of one and I am feeling find they said it will most likely come back fine! I have my next appointment on July 24th where I get to have an ultra sound! Yay! I can't wait! After I met with the doctor and it had been an hour I had my blood drawn for the glucose tests. Hopefully, the results come back A Okay! This appointment made me realize that my due date is getting closer and will be here before I know it! This pregnancy is flying by!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Dirt for Dessert

Yesterday when we had Dacen's cousins come over and cook out I made a yummy dessert for all the boys! They had dirt for dessert! Not real dirt of course! LOL! I chopped the side of Oreos that had the stuffing and then made chocolate pudding and vanilla pudding. I put a layer of the Oreos chopped up then a layer of vanilla then a layer of chocolate pudding! Then I topped it all off with the other half of the Oreos without stuffing chopped up! I added some gummy worms to the top too! The boys got a kick out if if and thought it was pretty cool! It's a fun dessert to make for little ones that looks cool and tastes yummy! Great for the summertime.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

26 Weeks

I am 26 weeks now! I haven't really had any new symptoms this week! It's getting harder to sleep again or even lay in bed and watch tv! I just can't get comfortable! My back has started hurting a little bit but that just started tonight! It's probably because we had a busy day! Steve's sister, husband, and her boys came over tonight! Her husband helped Steve hang his moose and we cooked out and the boys had fun swimming! I am worn out now! Still feeling the baby move lots! My feet still get a little swollen and I have had a little heartburn this week. I am looking forward to a short work week since I am off this Friday! And Tuesday I got to the doctor and have my glucose screening done! Hoping everything comes out okay! I am getting so impatient for my next ultrasound! It's July 24th (my momma's birthday) I can't wait! Hope you had a great weekend! Dacen is sound asleep right now, he played so hard today! I have to say being pregnant and keeping up with a 3 year old can be tiring! I think I will be calling it an early night! I'm exhausted!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Snow White and Swimming

Today we went our niece's play Snow White and Seven Dwarfs! It was such a cute play! She played the part of Grouchy! It was so funny! Dacen really enjoyed it and liked getting to see he cousins! Then we went and bought him a little swimming pool and relaxed in the backyard while he got to swim! He had a blast! We also just let Dacen run around naked, trying to teach him to pee pee outside! I have to say it's working! He is starting to learn to go potty! I figured we would start with teaching him outside! He sure enjoyed his new pool! I know what he is going to be wanting to do tomorrow now! Schwim! Schwim! Schwim! (That's how he says it) LOL! I am loving that its's the weekend!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Pictures for Dacen's Room

     I finally was able to make it to Hobby Lobby and get the picture frames I have been wanting on sale for 50% off!  I have been wanting to put the autographed posters that Rumble gave to Dacen at his birthday party!  I can't wait to get them hung up on his wall now. I decided to go with white frames to help bring out the white in his bedding and brighten things up!  Hobby Lobby had sooo many cute things!  I love that place!  I could spend hours in there just looking around!  I am so happy it's Friday!  Tomorrow we are going to a play that my husband's neice is in.  It is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.  She is going to be playing Grumpy!  Afterwards, I am going to see if Steve wants to run by Target and buy Dacen a little swimming pool.  Hopefully, we can come home and Dacen can swim and play while I lay out and try to get a tan! I definintely need one!  What are your plans for this weekend?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Park Fun

     Today my mom and sister took Dacen to the park and for a stroll around the lake.  He had so much fun!  I wish I could have went with them but I had to work.  He has such a great Granny J and Auntie Dacey! I'm definintely blessed and lucky to have them! It sure does make working a little easier knowing that he gets to hang out with them.  I am so happy tomorrow is Friday!  I am definintely ready for the weekend!  It's so hard working during the summer.  There are so many days I wish I could take Dacen to the park or go swimming.  We have decided though that we will be taking Dacen on a little vacation before the baby comes.  We are going to be taking him to Great Wolf Lodge in July!  We are super excited!  I am so looking forward to some days of vacation and getting to spend lots of family time together!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Hair

Ah tonight was so relaxing getting my hair done! Big thanks to my little sister who watched Dacen for me! She even gave him a bath and had him all ready for bed when I picked him up! So I went with blonde highlights but because I already had so much dark color on my hair, my hairstylist said it would take a couple times of getting blonde highlights for the dark to start stripping! I am really happy with how it turned out! This is not the best pic but thought I'd share how it turned out! Now I'm gonna have Dacen lay in bed with me while I snuggle up with him and draw on his back whole I watch more Desperate Housewives! I remember when I was little I loved to have my back drawn on to fall asleep! I still do! LOL! Something about it is so relaxing! What do you like to fall asleep to or is something that helps you fall asleep?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


     Tomorrow I am getting my hair colored! YAY!  I am so excited!  When you are a mommy having a day where you can go get your hair done is something to look forward to :)  I am thinking of doing some highlights for summer!  I have been obsessed with Desperate Housewives lately.  I am now on Season 3 and I noticed Gabby played by Eva Longoria changed her hair up in this season.  She put blonde highlights in her hair and they look so pretty!  Made me want to make a change and do the same with mine!  I found a pic online I plan to show my hairstylist.  I like the color of the highlights and the amount, and I figured since she had really dark hair like me it would be a good pic to go off of.  In the past I have seen highlights or hair colors that I like but the person in the pics natural hair color is nothing like mine so they don't quite turn out like the pic.  Hopefully, mine will!  As for the cut, I am on the fence on whether or not I should get it cut like hers in the pic with lots of layers or if I should continue to try and grow it all out to one lenght.  What do you think? 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Daddy's Home

Steve came home today! We missed him and were so glad to see him! We went out to dinner tonight and on the way home stopped for some yummy ice cream! Burger King has ice cream cones for only 50 cents! That could be dangerous! LOL! Not much to write tonight just spending time with Steve and hearing all about his trip!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

25 Weeks

     Today I am 25 weeks!  I am feeling pretty good.  I still have heartburn and a little swelling in my hands and feet every now and then.  Something new that has started is I have started getting restless leg syndrome when I am riding in the car for a long time or if I have been laying in bed watching TV for a while.  I never really thought of this as a pregnancy symptom but sure enough I read where it is.  I have really had much of an appetite this week.  I don't know what it is but nothing sounds good lately.  Steve was gone all weekend to a shooting competetion so I am worn out from keeping up with Dacen!  I love getting to spend quality time with him.  We fingerpainted a picture for Steve and laid out his gift so he will see it when he walks in the door tonight.  Although, they could be getting home early early in the morning.  They just left New Mexico a little bit ago and are planning on driving all night to get back.  I enjoyed the evening with a pizza and watching the Miss USA pageant!  I always love getting to see all of the hair, makeup, and beuatiful dresses!  Oh one more thing I have noticed is my skin is breaking out really bad lately!  My skin has not been in the greatest condition with this pregnancy and it's driving me crazy!  Well, I am going to go cuddle with Dacen and relax.  Wishing I didn't have to work tomorrow! 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Father's Day Shopping

Today Dacen and I went shopping for Father's Day! We picked up some YSL cologne! It smells amazing! It also came with a free little bag! Then we went to Williams Sonoma and got him some steak seasoning since he loves to cook steaks! We also picked him up a thing to make his cookies on! You lay it on your cookie sheet and it keeps them from sticking! Steve also loves to have chocolate chip cookies as a late night snack sometimes so I figured this would be perfect! We used to have a stone from Pampered Chef that worked great for making cookies but it broke during the move and the new stone we picked up at Target doesn't work good at all! The cookies stick so bad to it, so hoping this will help! Steve won't be home from his shooting competition until late tomorrow night so we will miss getting to spend the day with him :( I'm hoping the weather will be nice and Dacen and I can set outside and fingerpaint him a Father's Day card and then maybe go swimming or play in the sprinklers! What are you doing for Father's Day?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Slumber Party with My Little Man!

Steve is at a shooting competition so tonight Dacen and I are having a little slumber party! He is sleeping in our bed tonight because I don't like sleeping alone when Steve is gone! I know most people would love to have the bed to themselves but not me! Dacen is out! So now I'm watching me some Desperate Housewives and doing the laundry! Looking forward to a fun filled day with Dacen tomorrow!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Icy Drinks

One of my favorite things to get are Icy drinks! My all time favorite flavor is Coke! I always have to get the biggest size they have when I go to the movies! Target just started selling them too! That is sooo not good because now I seem to always want one when we go to Target! Tonight the snack bar had already closed and I just HAD to have one, so we stopped by 7/11 on the way home and I settled for a Dr. Pepper flavored icy drink! It was super hot today so this drink hit the spot! I made sure this was my only caffeine drink for the day! I really don't think I'll ever be able to kick my caffeine habit however, since I have been pregnant I really pay attention to my caffeine intake and have lowered it dramatically! Usually I would have a coffee in the morning, a pop for lunch, another coffee in the afternoon, and sometimes even another pop with dinner! But now I try to just limit myself to one caffeine drink a day! It's been hard and some days I catch myself having more than one but I am really working on it! :) I would have to say its one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to my diet! What is yours?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fun in the Sun After Work

     Since our day at Whitewater didn't quite turn out this weekend because it was too cold, we decided to take Dacen after work today. Steve is going to a shooting competition this weekend so that is another reason we decided to try and go after work today.  Steve doesn't get home from work until, by the time we changed and drove to Whitewater it was 6:30pm.  We pulled up to pay to park and the girl told us they were going to be closing at 7:00!!! :(  What?!  I was suprised by this since the sun is still up then I figured they wouldn't close till 8 or 9.  We almost turned around but I just couldn't do that to Dacen.  His little face just lit up when we pulled in and he was so excited.  So we let him play in the kiddie pool area for 30 minutes.  However, he did through quite the temper tantrum when we had to leave.  Poor little guy!  I am sure he was confused why he didn't get to swim very long.  Hopefully, one day soon it will work out with the weather and timing and we will get to spend a whole day there!  I am thinking about just taking a day of vacation during the week sometime and take him with my sister.  This way it won't be too busy! Even though we only got to stay 30 minutes we still had fun watching Dacen splash around and go down the slides over and over!  It was a great way to end a stressful work day!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Few of My Favorites

I absolutely LOVE candles and anything to make your home smell good! These are just a few of my favorites I just purchased! First off the candle on the far left is Juicy Apple by a company called My Keeper's Light! I have only been able to find these at a little boutique in the town my husband works! He is so sweet and remembered me telling him I wanted one so he picked one up for me and brought but home to me after work today! It made my day! Next up is a new candle I decided to try by Tyler! I always hear a lot about these candles but have never bought any! I bought it at a little boutique in a town close by! I just love shopping boutiques! The kind is called Privileged. It smells so good! And my new love are the mixer melts I got! It says to use them with the Tyler products but I just put them in my Scentsy! The kind is called Kathina and I think it has become my all time favorite! I am definitely going to be going back to purchase more! When I put them in my Scentsy the entire room filled with the best smell that gave me the most comforting feeling! I really think smells can change or help a mood! I think that's why I like my candles so much! I also love the light they give off! My home always feels so much homier (does that make sense? LOL!) with candles! What's your favorite smell good item for the home!

Monday, June 10, 2013


This last weekend was my first time to ever try a macaroon! Yum! I always see tons of pictures of them posted on Instagram but had never tried one before! My sister actually went to a whole foods store and got them! Being the sweet sister she is she bought one for me to try. I have no idea what flavor it was but it was yummy! It really surprised me when I bit into it because I didn't expect it to be so light and fluffy! I definitely see how you could have more than one now! I'm gonna have to have another one! Have you ever had a macaroon? If so, what is your favorite kind?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

24 Weeks

     Wow!  I am 24 weeks now! 6 months!  Things have been going great!  Feeling baby move every morning and every night!  It's the best!  I still have heartburn and have to pee all the time.  Something new is that this week my feet starting swelling some.  Ugh!  I remember with Dacen my hand and feet swelled really really bad.  During the last weeks of pregnancy with Dacen the only shoes I could wear were flip flops and those barely fit me.  I don't remember it starting this early though.  Atleast it was only about a day or two this week and then the swelling went down.  I am starting to sleep a little better now which is good.  Still not sleeping great but atleast it's better than I was sleeping.  I feel huge!  I don't know what I was thinking wanting to be pregnant during the summer!  The summer has just begun and I already am looking forward to September.  It's so hard being pregnant during the summer time and especially with a little one.  For instance, we have season passes to Frontier City and Whitewater but I don't get to go on any of the rides or slides with Dacen :(  Also, it's so hot which is fine when I am working from home I can wear whatever and be comfortable.  But when I have to go into the office!  It's so hard finding something to wear that is cool, comfortable, and business appropriate.  Although it's tough being pregnant right now, every time I feel the baby kick all those complaining thoughts just disappear :) 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Swim Day

Today we went to Whitewater Bay since we were given Season Passes but it was freezing!!! So we didn't stay long! Dacen was so upset when we had to leave so Steve and I decided to take him to an indoor pool! It was a drive but afterwards we got to eat at one of my favorite Mexican places, El Charro's! Dacen was so worn out he feel fast asleep on the drive home! Since we have been home I have spent the evening watching Desperate Housewives (I'm so addicted) and catching up on our laundry I wasn't able to do from when we didn't have electricity! It's been a great day!

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Little Rascals

So Dacen has a new favorite movie! The Little Rascals! He watched of for the first time at his Auntie Dacey's house today and she told me how he just watched so intently and laughed! When I picked him up today we went Target to see if I could find a swimsuit which was a fail! I didn't find anything! Swimsuit shopping is no fun when pregnant! Well we passed by the movies and once saw Little Rascals it was all over! He started yelling, "Darla, Darla, Darlaaa" So to get him quiet I handed it to him with the intent to put it back since we already own it. I look down after I realized he had been quiet for a while and he had opened it! LOL! So needless to say we had to purchase it! So now we have a backup which is probably a good thing because I have a feeling it will be playing in our house alot! As soon as we got home we had to put it on! He definitely takes after his momma and daddy and loves watching movies!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Maternity Swimwear

     I have been searching the web tonight for a maternity swimsuit!  Summer is here and soon we will be going to the lake!  I am definintely going to need a new swimsuit.  I actually will need one for Saturday since we plan on taking Dacen to Whitewater Bay for the day but I don't think I will be able to get one shipped before then.  So I may be going to Target and looking too!  However, I found these three that I think are cute!  The first one is from a website I never heard of before called Babble! They have some really cute stuff! The other two are from ASOS. I didn't even know ASOS sold matenity clothes until I came across a blog called Bird A La Mode! She did a blog post on the coral color swimsuit!  You should definintely go check that blog out if you haven't already!  What do you think?  If any of you have any suggestions on where I can find a cute maternity swimsuit I would love to hear!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Krispy Kreme Craving

Well we have yet again do not have power! Arghhh! It's getting really old. Glad we didn't buy groceries yet! So since we don't have power we went out to eat again. Tonight we went to PF Changs and right by there is a Krispy Kreme, as soon as Dacen saw it he started yelling, "Donut, donut, donut" "peeaasee" We just had to give in to that sweet little voice! After dinner we stopped by and got a dozen of their chocolate sprinkled donuts! I have to say they are sooo yummy and they might just become another craving! Not a very healthy one to have so thankfully it is a pretty long drive to get to Krispy Kreme!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Kids Bathroom

     I have decided what colors to do the kids bathroom in finally.  I am going to go with yellow, blue, and accents of grey!  Here are a couple of the items I have ordered or purchased already to get started.  The shower curtain, bath mat and glass jars are from West Elm.  The prints I plan on putting in frames and they are from Esty, and the towels are from Target. I'll take a picture once I have it all put together.

I just found these on Etsy!
Thinking about getting a couple to hang on towel rack!

Monday, June 3, 2013

New Rug

YAY!!! We have power back finally! I am so thankful! I also got a new accent rug today! I love it! It's machine washable and doesn't move around! I got it at a little boutique! I love shopping at little boutiques! You can always find such unique buys! I am now catching up on my tv! I missed the Bachelorette and the season finale of Secret Life so I will have to wait till they are available On Demand but I am able to watch the premier of Keeping Up With the Kardashians!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

23 Weeks

I am 23 weeks today! This weekend has been so stressful! We still don't have power! I have been so emotional! Only thing I have noticed more this week is my heartburn is starting to get really bad! I have not been sleeping well but that's probably due to just having a stressful weekend! Dacen is staying with his Granny J and Auntie Dacey again tonight! Steven and I are watching Click on Dacen's little portable DVD player we got him for Christmas! That's turned out to be a great investment! Looking forward to a new week, hopefully it will be a much better one!