Friday, May 31, 2013

So Thankful

Tonight was one if the scariest times of my entire life! A tornado came over us and we had to get in our shelter! I am sooo very thankful my family is safe and sound! We did get some damage in the neighborhood but our house is okay! We have no power so we are at my mom and sisters hoping they will get power before us! We are hanging out by candle light and just feeling so very blessed we are all safe! I am praying for all those that list their homes! I am so ready for this tornado weather to be over! I pray we never have to go through these horrible weather conditions again!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Picnic at the Park

Today Dacen's Auntie Dacey and Granny J took him to the park and had a picnic! He loved it! He got to swing and feed the ducks! I wish I could have gone but I was stuck working! Boo! I am so happy he has his Granny and Auntie to take him and do fun things! Dacey sent me this pic of him swinging so I have to share! I love this little guy so much! Check out how big that swing is! LOL! After work we all went and ate at Chuy's and then walked around the mall for a bit! So even though I had to work today I still got to have a little fun myself after work!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stormy Weather

Today was a rainy yucky day! Thankfully there were no tornadoes! I'm so ready to be clear of tornado weather! It did storm today though! My husband took this pic on his way home of the sky! I thought it was pretty crazy looking! So since it was so yucky outside we just stayed inside! Steve worked on knives a bit while I worked while taking breaks to play tickle monster with Dacen! It's been a pretty in eventful day but I did feel the baby move around today a lot! :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Candle Love

Tonight I stopped by and picked my mom up to take a little drive and run by Starbucks! I know you probably should try hard to not have any caffeine while pregnant but I was not able to break my caffeine addiction with Dacen and haven't been able to thus pregnancy either! However, I try to only have it in moderation! Well when I went drop her off Dacen just cried and cried to go inside with her! So I let him go in and Granny J gave him a bath for me. This helps me out soooo much since giving Dacen a bath seems to becoming more and more of a chore the bigger I get! LOL! As I was at her house I noticed a new candle my sister got get from Bath and Body Works! It's called Aloha Waikiki! It smells SOOO good! I HAVE got to have one! It's definitely at the top of my wish list! If you gave not smelled it you should check it out next time you are in bath and body works! My sister took a pic of all the things from her Bath and Body Works Haul! It all smells so good! You should check her Instagram out! It's daceycouture!

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Bachelorette

Did you watch The premier of The Bachelorette? I sure did! Do you have a favorite? I don't yet but there sure we're some characters! It should be an interesting season! Hope you had a great Memorial Weekend! It's back to work for me tomorrow but I am excited because I have a baby doctor appointment!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

22 Weeks

Today I am 22 weeks and I also turned 30! Ahh! No longer in my 20's :( This week I have been feeling huge! I have also been really hungry! I have not had many new symptoms! I do seen to be more exhausted by the end of the day with this pregnancy than I was with Dacen! It's probably because I am chasing him around! I find myself ready to be able to move around like I used to! I have to say with Dacen I loved being pregnant but with this one I am ready for Sept to hurry up and get here! LOL!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Shopping Spree and Cookie Cake

Today I went to the outlet malls and I had no idea there would be SO many sales going on! Almost every stores I went in was 50% off! I got Dacen lots of really cute summer clothes and some footsie jammies! These are his favorite kind of jammies to wear to bed! Then Dacen and I went to dinner at BJ's with my mom and sister! We came back to their house and had cookie cake as a littld lre celebration for mu birthday tomorrow! Mmmm! Now we are watching Mommie Dearest. My sister and I have never seen this movie before! It's a great night, love spending time with my mom and sister! As for potty was so busy we didn't even try! Maybe tomorrow we will start!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Potty Training Here We Come!

     So the time has come where I am going to get my booty into gear, buckle down, and try my best to potty train Dacen.  Since it is a 3-day weekend I figured now would be a great time!  While at Target tonight I found potty training underwear.  Or you can use them for swimming too!  I thought this was brilliant!  We just moved into our new house and I have been dreading trying to potty train Dacen because I was afraid of him having an accident on our new carpet.  I know at some point it will happen, I am just not ready for it yet! LOL! So I figured these would work great!  They also seem way more comfortable than a pull up and might make him feel more like he is wearing big boy underwear.  I have to say I sure do wish these were less expensive.  It was $20 just for this one pair!!! Too bad they don't just come in a pack of 5 for like $10! LOL!  When we have our first accident I will probably have to put regular underwear on him. But since it should be pretty outside my plan is to just let him play outside while this one is in the wash.  Then when we are inside hanging out or if we go somewhere I will put the one I bought from Target on him.  If it works I might go and purchase one or two more to have on hand.  But we will see :)  If you have any tips for potty training I would love to hear!  Wish us luck :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Walking Dead

     Tonight Steve and I started the first season of The Walking Dead.  He has been watching the show since it premiered and never misses an episode.  It's one of his favorite shows.  I made a deal with him that I would get caught up on the seasons if he would watch Desperate Housewives with me! LOL! So I am watching the first episode now.  It's pretty good so far.  Kinda gross and graphic at times and I am not much of a zombie movie or show lover. But I figured I would compromise with him and give it a try :)  As long as there is a storyline and some type of drama or romance I think I might just be able to get into it!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fried Green Tomatoes

Tonight I got to try Fried green tomatoes! I have always wanted to try these since the first time I saw the movie Fried Green Tomatoes, which by the way is one of my all time favorite movies! I may just have to watch that this weekend! Well anyway Steve and I tried a new restaurant out tonight called Whiskey Cake! They had them as an appetizer so we had to get them! They were sooo delicious! I am already craving them! So yeah think I have found something that is going to be a new craving for me! They were awesome! I shared the kids chicken strips with Dacen and Steve ordered duck! I tried it and it actually wasn't bad! I can't wait to go back to that place just so I can get the tried green tomatoes again! It's a little bit of a drive from our house though so I may just end up trying to make some of my own soon!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Enchilidas and Desperate Housewives

     Tonight I made chicken enchiladas for dinner!  They were so yummy!  I usually use this recipe here.  I was introduced to this recipe by Emily Jackson's blog which is now known as Ivory Lane.  She had posted a blog with this recipe a while back.  They sounded so yummy I just had to try them.  I have made them many times before but this time when I was doing my grocery shopping I forgot to buy a lime for the lime juice.  I was in a bit of a hurry tonight so I just skipped the whole marinating the chicken part.  I basically just used plain baked chicken and cheese for the inside of the enchiladas.  They were still really yummy!  I would highly recommend trying the recipe out using the marinade.  It gives them a little something extra, but if you are rushed for time like I was skipping it still makes them great for a yummy, fast meal.  So tonight I am going to give Dacen a bath and get in bed early.  Dacen fell asleep last night around 8 and for some reason woke up at 1:30am and didn't fall back asleep until 5:30am.   So I am exhausted today!  I am going to lay in bed and begin watching the first season of Desperate Housewives.  I can't believe there was 8 seasons and I have never watched a single episode.  My sister bought the first season and starting watching it.  She told me I should watch it too, so then we can start watching it together.  So I borrowed the first DVD of Season 1 and I am going to see what I think about it tonight!  I always love when I can get into a show that has lots of seasons.  It's fun to be able to watch episodes back to back and not have to wait a week!  We will see if I can even keep my eyes open long enough to get through the opening!  LOL! 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pray for Oklahoma

Today another tornado hit in Oklahoma. My heart and prayers go out to all of the families who lost loved ones and homes. It hit in the town of Moore which is where the May 3rd tornadoes hit. I saw on the news where two schools were hit. It is so sad :( I am really at a loss for words. I have been watching the news in just disbelief of all the damage. Please pray for Oklahoma!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

21 Weeks

Today I am 21 weeks! Feeling pretty good this week! I had a new craving this week for peanut butter M&M's. Still feeling baby move! He is usually active right when I get up and right before I go to bed! Not much has changed except i wake up every morning and my mouth is so dry! I think it's because now that I am sleeping on my back my husband informed me that I snore really bad! LOL! I may just have to buy him some earplugs! I guess I have noticed one more thing and that is I am starting to get a little bit of heartburn! It's not so bad right now but I know any day I am sure I will have it full force! I had it really really bad with Dacen! That's all for pregnancy....ohhh...just felt the little guy move :). Today was a scary day in Oklahoma. There were tornadoes that touched :( I am so very thankful my family and Steve's are all safe and sound. My heart goes out to those families that loss their loved ones and homes. So very sad. I'm really glad I listened to my husband and we had a storm shelter put in! It was such a pretty day to begin with too! We went to church and then took Dacen swimming over at my sister in laws. But after awhile the weather completely changed and it got dark and started storming! We had the kids jump out and Steve and I headed home with Dacen. I couldn't believe the destruction and tragedy as we watched on the news! The families will be in my prayers tonight as I pray and thank God for keeping my family safe.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Decor for Playroom

I love the new sign I got to put in the playroom! I am trying to decide how exactly to organize the playroom so if you have any ideas for toy organization I would love to hear! Here is what we have going on so far! I'm ready to start adding some decor like the sign I got! By the way I got the sign at Hobby Lobby! I love that place! We still have to hang the tv and I'm trying to decide where to place everything and still working on organizing! Slowly but surely it's getting there!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Flashcard Fun

Lately, Dacen's favorite thing in the entire world right now is flashcards! When we go to Target or Walmart and I tell him he can have a toy that is what he always wants! He brings them to me all the time and wants me to go through them with him! I feel like flashcards are everywhere I look! LOL! I will pick them all up and the next thing I know they are all over the floor again! I tried keeping them together in an old coupon holder I had but they don't seem to stay! My sister had a great idea to buy a metal clip and hole puncher and then put them all on the clip! This is on my list to do because then he can take them with him places if he wants! But I can't seem to find a metal ring anywhere! I am going try looking at Staples! It is amazing how much Dacen has learned from flashcards! He knows all his letters, animals, colors, and shapes! Even the hard shapes like octagon and hexagon! He is such a smart little boy! I am one proud momma!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Just Like New

I got my car back yesterday from being detailed! I just have to say that was one of the best Mother's Day presents! It's just like new again! It makes such a difference in your day and your mood when you can jump into a nice clean car! They shampooed the carpets and seats! My car is sparkling now! I had to take a picture! Let's see how long I can keep it this way! I am sure gonna try hard because I love having a clean car!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Time to Relax

Ahhh I always love a warm bubble bath! It's just the thing I need to relax at the end of a stressful day! I typically work from home but this week I have been going into the office. It's a new quarter at my job so it's always a stressful and busy time! But then again I don't ever think there is a time where it's not busy! LOL! It's a rainy night so I thought it would be perfect to come home and take a hot bath and write my blog! Dacen is in bed and watching his new favorite movie Hoodwinked! I have no idea how that has become one of his favorites! But he loves it and since he hasn't had much tv today I thought I'd let him watch it before bed! He basically begged me! And I couldn't resist his little smile and cute little voice! The way he says Hoodwinked cracks me up! I don't even know how to type it out the way he says it but it's hilarious! So while he is watching his movie and Steve is watching the Thunder game, I am relaxing! What is your favorite thing to do to help you relax or unwind from a stressful day?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Little Stroll

The weather was absolutely beautiful today so after dinner Dacen and I decided to take a little stroll! After doing the Color Me Rad 5K I am feeling a bit more motivated to start walking everyday or atleast every other day! I always feel better when I get some sort of exercise in my day! Now that the weather is nice I am looking forward to taking Dacen on lots more walks! Dacen loved going for one tonight!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sweetest Gift

     I couldn't think of anything to blog about tonight so I thought I would share a picture of the present Dacen made me at Parent's Day Out for Mother's Day!  I am so very blessed to be his mommy! He is my world and I love him so much!  Doesn't he just look so precious in that picture?! I love being a mommy!  Oh and Steve is taking my Tahoe to get it detailed for Mother's Day too! I can't wait!  It definitely needs it.  If you have a little one you might know exactly what I am talking about!  Do you find it hard to keep your car clean?  Any good tips that you follow? Hopefully, I can keep it clean :)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

20 Weeks

     I am 20 weeks today!  Half way there!  I can't believe it!!!  I am feeling Dacen's little brother move every day now and I love it!  I have my energy back and I'm not sick anymore!  The only thing I have noticed here lately is my moods like I had talked about in my previous post this week.  I haven't really had any new food cravings.  But I am hungry alot! LOL! I will be curious to see what my weight will be at my next appoinment.  Or maybe I don't wanna know!  Today was an AWESOME day!  First of all, it was Mother's Day!  I feel so blessed that I get to be Dacen's mommy and can't wait to give him a little brother.  We started our morning by going to church with Steve's sister's family.  Then we went out to his parents house for lunch.  The live in the country so Dacen and his cousins got to ride horses and fish!  They had SO much fun!  Then we came home and I went to dinner with my mom, sister, and Dacen!  It was a perfect day!  I feel SO blessed and I have to say this weekend my hormones gave me a little break!  I was really happy and not sad or mad!  Happy Mother's day to all your mommies out there! :)



Saturday, May 11, 2013

Color Me Rad

Today was the Color Me Rad 5K! My sister and I did it last year so decided to make it a tradition and do it again this year! When I signed up I was not pregnant at the time! So since I am now we decided to walk it this year! It was so much fun! They throw color on you throughout the course! I made sure to check with my doctor to make certain breathing in the color the throw on you would be okay! He said it was fine. This year seemed so much shorter and easier than last year! Dacey and I ran it last year and it was in July so it was really really hot! The weather was perfect today and we walked at a pretty fast pace so it actually didn't take us to much longer than when we ran it! I can't wait to have Dacen come with us next year! You can push your little one in. a stroller. I wanted to bring him this year but thought I better not since he is just getting over a really bad sinus infection! After it was over we came gone took our showers and brought Dacen with us to lunch! We ate at Mama Rojas one of my favorites! Then we went by and saw our mama at work and brought her some of our yummy leftovers! Today was a great day, now let's just hope I am not super sore tomorrow morning! LOL!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Dacen's New Bedding

     Dacen's new bedding came in! I love it!  We got it from Target here!  I just looked and now it is actually on sale!  That's the way it seems to go for me! LOL! I buy something and then the next week it's on sale! Even without the sale though it was a great buy!  Target is really coming out with some awesome stuff for the home!  The bedding set was an 8 piece set. It came with the two standard pillow shams and two decorative pillows.  Plus a bed skirt and two euro pillow shams which are not seen in this picture.  Dacen's bed has wood on the sides so we couldn't use the bed skirt and I am on the look out for some cheap euro pillow inserts since they will just be used as pillow for looks.  I went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and the cheapest I could find was ones that were $20 a piece.  I couldn't bring myself to spend this so I am still looking.  I did see that Target online has some for $10 so this might be the route I go. I was so happy that I found sheets to match the orange in the comforter.  I really didn't think I was going to be able to, but I got lucky and found the perfect shade of sheets at Bed, Bath, and Beyond!  I would like to get a lamp for his nightstand and some curtains.  The process for decorating his room has just begun!  Hopefully, it will all come together!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Arbonne Facial Party

     Tonight I went to an Arbonne party that my sister in law threw and got a facial! Ahhh my skin feels so nice and soft now! I really liked all the products that I tried! I ended up getting the face primer and skin firming lotion! The primer is so silky! I cab't wait to see how my makeup will look using it! And I am really exciting to try the firming lotion! I hear it is great to use during pregnancy and also after! The before and after pictures they showed were amazing! I will have to let you know how it works! I learned a lot of interesting info! For example all of their products are vegan which is really cool! It was so relaxing to have a facial and Dacen got to enjoy some time with his daddy tonight!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Tonight we went to BJ's for dinner and oh my goodness they have THE BEST dessert! We ordered the beignet! I never had one before and it was sooo yummy! It came with ice cream and strawberries! I think I am hooked on them now! I will definitely be wanting to go back again! Have you ever had a beignet? I wonder if there are other ways to make them! I had only heard of them before while watching the movie The Frog Princess with Dacen! Now it's time to watch Survivor and Nashville!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Horrible Pregnancy Hormones!!!

     Okay so this pregnancy has my hormones WAY out of whack!  I am super super emotional.  I find myself crying at the drop of a hat!  It seems like everything makes me cry! The other day my sister was doing her speech in front of me that should had to present in her Speech class.  It was over Toys for Tots and I started bawling like a baby! LOL!  She showed a YouTube video in her presentation of kids without toys and how Toys for Tots provided them with toys and I just got all kinds of choked up!  It wasn't even a sad speech is was an informative and persuasive one! I also find myself being super stressed and worried about everything which causes me to cry! Sometimes I just cry and I don't even know why I am crying. LOL!  Then in the next minute I am either really frustrated or mad!  It's bad!  I really feel for Steve, my sister and my mom for having to put up with me.  Thankfully they are all super understanding.  I am really hoping this phase passes soon and my hormones level out.  It's so crazy because with Dacen I was the opposite.  I would find myself laughing at just about everything!  And once I would start laughing I couldn't stop sometimes!  I definintely enjoyed those kinda hormonal episodes alot more than I am enjoying these crying and mad ones! It's almost like when one little thing goes wrong I will start crying or get mad.  The other day Dacen was throwing a fit and instead of discplining him I just started crying!  I think he was confused he soon quit crying and started saying to me, "Don't cry, don't cry! LOL! I think my family is just learning to either have tissues on hand for me or get out of my way! I am very blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive family!  Okay, okay... better stop there if I keep going I may get choked up and start crying! LOL!  Oh the joys of pregnancy! I saw this pregnancy t-shirt below and thought it was fitting for me! HAHA!  I found it here!

Monday, May 6, 2013

My Favorite Maternity Jeans

     A couple of weeks ago I bought a bunch of maternity clothes at Old Navy!  Old Navy is a great place for affordable and cute maternity clothes and is an even better place to get your basics!  I have fallen in LOVE with their skinny maternity jeans and even their capri's.  I absolutely love the way they fit.  They are SO comfortable.  I have a couple of other pairs of maternity jeans from when I was pregnant with Dacen and they seem to always fall down.  The smooth panel on these Old Navy ones stays up all day long and fits just right.  Not too tight or too lose.  They color of the denim go great with just about everything too!  I have always had a hard time find jeans that fit my hips and waist but can also fit my thighs.  Usually if I get them to fit my waist and hips they are super super tight on my thighs.  These are not like that, for once I found a pair of jeans that can fit my thighs and all the other places too.  I love these so much I told my sister I would want to wear them even if I wasn't pregnant! LOL!  I have been seen wearing them in some of my weekly baby updates I post on Sundays.  If you are interested you can check them out by clicking here! They are marked down right now to only $34.97!! Also,they are having a 20% off sale right now.  You can use the promo code ONSAVE. Or if you have an Old Navy, Gap, or Banana Republic Card you can use the promo code STUFFSAVE to save 30% off!  :) 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

19 Weeks

19 weeks already! It seems like this pregnancy is flying by! I am feeling pretty good! Not much new this week except feeling movement every day now! I love that feeling! Steve has been gone all weekend at a shooting competition so I am ready for him to be back! Being pregnant and taking care of a 3 year old by yourself can wear you out! LOL! Also, I find myself not being able to sleep when he is away! I am really ready for our next baby doctor appointment which will be the end of this month on the 24th. As far as cravings go I have been loving egg mcmuffins! I was getting them from McDonalds but realized that probably was the healthiest thing to do so I started making my own on whole wheat English muffins and I add avocado! They are still probably not that healthy but atleast it's a little better. I also have a new craving that key line pie I had yesterday! I am going to have to pick me up some more next time I am at the store! My belly is definitely getting bigger! I was all dressed up for my niece's baptism today but forgot to take a pic until I got home and was all comfy! I didn't have anyone to take a pic for me do I tried to take one in a mirror! It's not the best and I look like a mess! This afternoon Dacen and I took a nap and just chilled around the house! I tried keeping him in so that his sinus infection didn't get worse! Hopefully, he's antibiotic kicks in soon and he starts to feel better!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lazy Saturday and Key Lime Pie

Today I spent the entire day inside! Dacen came down with a really bad sinus infection so I wanted to keep him in. The weather in Oklahoma has been crazy! It's hot one day and then freezing the next! So we laid around and played all day! I did get some cleaning done which was good! I did run to Target real quick while my sister was still at my house in the morning! I had to pick up some Kleenex for poor Dacen's runny little nose and get some Johnson and Johnson Vapor Bath for him. While I was there I spotted key lime pie as I was walking by the freezers to get to the Kleenex isle! I have only had key lime pie a couple times in my life but for some reason my pregnancy hormones kicked in and told me I HAD to buy some! Let me tell you it is the best key lime pie I have ever had! Mmmm! I ended up eating both slices today! LOL! Steve is still gone but we are ready for him to be back! Tomorrow out niece which is Steve's sister's little girl is getting baptized so Dacen and I are going to watch and then go to my sister in-laws house for lunch! Hoping the weather is warm so I can wear my maxi skirt I got! This was another impulsive buy from Target today! I don't know what it is about that place but I will go in for one thing but come out with ten!

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Color Purple

Tonight my mom and sister are staying the night with me and Dacen since Steve is still out of town! We got pizza from my fav pizza place Chicago Pizza! We are planning in making a comfy palette and all watching the movie The Color Purple in the theater room once Dacen goes to bed! My mom has been wanting to see this movie again for a really long time but hasn't been able to find it. I found it for her at Hastings for only $5.99! My sister and I have never seen it and since I enjoy older movies I told her I would watch it with her! It has some famous actresses in it and I have heard people talk about it before so I'm looking forward to watching it! I'm glad they are staying the night with me because it's scary by myself!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Stir Fry

Steve left for his competition shoot in Florida today so Dacen and I are on our own until Monday! So my mom and sister came over for dinner and helped me with getting Dacen his bath and ready for bed! We made stir fry or what we call stir fry and it was so yummy! We take round steaks and cut them up and then add lots of bell peppers and mushrooms! We also add some soy sauce and worcestershire sauce! We eat it over rice and usually have a side of French bread! It's one of my favorite meals! Now Dacen and I are cuddling up and watching Wreck It Ralph for the bajillionth time! LOL!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Favorite Candy

Circus Peanuts! They are one of my favorites! However, not very other people seem to like them. But I think they are oh so yummy! Everytime I take a bite of one if reminds me of my childhood! They are like a super sugary marshmallow but not as light and fluffy as one! Tonight I ran by the grocery store to pick up some flour and saw them so I just had to get them! I was getting flour at the store because I thought I would make the Chick Fil A nugget recipe you may have seen on pinterest! Well, I made them and they tasted great, but to me it's not worth the mess and hassle! LOL! I would rather just drive through Chick Fil A! I really didn't save much money in fact I think it was more and I had one messy kitchen with flour everywhere once I was finished cooking! I guess if it was a Sunday or if they were closed and you just really really craved them I could see making them! But for me I think my craving can wait till they are open! :) after cleaning the messy kitchen up I did sit down and enjoy my circus peanuts for dessert!