Thursday, February 28, 2013

Paint Colors

     We picked out our paint colors and they should be starting to paint the new house tomorrow! I am really bad at picking at paint colors and trying to visualize if a whole room would look good a certain color.  Since I am not that experienced in picking paint colors out I decided to look to other blogs for inspiration!  I LOVE the blog Honey We're Home!  You HAVE to go check it out! Megan's home is beautiful and I really like the paint colors.  I was really curious what colors they were and I found where she listed them under FAQ's on her blog. Our builder had to told us to pick out colors from Sherwin Williams. Ironically, Sherwin Williams paint is what she used as well. She had pictures of all the rooms in her house so I was able to actually see what the colors looked like on the walls which really helped me!  So we decided to use most of the same colors! :) BIG thanks to Megan for sharing her home on her blog, her home was the inspiration for our choices and really helped make the decision making process so much easier for us! 

     As for the Theater room my mom actually picked out the color!  My husband and I both really liked it and it should go pretty well with our leopard carpet we are going to have in there!  It has the same undertones in the carpet. I'm super excited about this carpet! :)  Not sure if Steve is that excited about the leopard carpet but I thought it was really sweet he went along with my choice! 

     Here are the colors we decided on! I think they will all flow nicely!

Top Right Agreeable Grey SW7029; Top Left Accessible Beige SW7036;
Bottom Right Anew Grey SW7020; Bottom Left Mink SW6004

     We are going to do the Master and Master Bathroom in Anew Grey, the Study in Accessible Beige, the Theater room in Mink, and all other rooms will be in Agreeable Grey.  I really wanted to paint the nursery a fun color but since we do not know what we are having yet, we are going to wait! Don't forget to go check out Megan's blog if you haven't already! 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Running Shoes

     I am in love with these running shoes! I have really been missing running lately!  I have been wanting to start walking every day now that I am pregnant, but just haven't felt all that great.  However, I am started to feel a little better now. These shoes would be perfect to kick start my pregnancy walking regimen and get me motivated, right?  LOL!  I don't know if you are like me, but every time I decide to start working out I have this uncontrolled urge to buy a new outfit, pair of shoes, or piece of exercise equipment.  What can I say?  Maybe it's because I love to shop and am always looking for an excuse to do so! These are ASICS and can be found here on Zappos!  I love Zappos website! I have never tried this brand before but it is all my husband wears now.  He is on his second pair of ASICS.  I was searching around and have heard of other brands for running shoes such as Brooks and Saucony, but have not tried those either.  I have been a Nike girl, but looking for something different. What drew me to these is they way they looked!  I absolutely love all the bright colors!  Right now my running shoes are completely black so I am looking to spice things up!  What is your favorite brand of running shoes?  Should I buy these?
I think so ;) 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chilupas and Car Drama

     Oh what a night! Tuesday nights Dacen and I go over to my mom and sister's house to cook dinner and watch Pretty Little Liars! My sister usually doesn't get home till about 8 since she has college classes. Well...tonight Dacey was on her way home and got a flat tire! Ugh! My mom and I were so busy cooking and talking that we missed her calls!  Then looked down at our phones and called her immediately!  Thank goodness we just missed them. I called Steve and headed Dacey's way to change her tire and my mom headed that way to check on her since she was pulled over on the turnpike! As Steve was trying to change my sister's tire, my mom had her lights flashing to warn people and then... my mom's battery DIED! I know, you are probably thinking I must be joking right now! I wish I was! So now BOTH my mom and sister's are on the side of the road! Steve wasn't able to get the tired changed because it was so muddy the jack kept slipping! And he didn't have any jumper cables with him!!! So they ended up having to leave both their cars there and we will have to go back in the morning to get them! It was freezing outside to top it all off! As all this was going on I stayed at the house and finished cooking the chilupas while Dacen watched Toy Story! Steve drove them home and we finally got to enjoy our chilupas and watch Pretty Little Liars! Which by the way was SO good! The night did not start off to a fun night with all the car drama but it ended great!  We got to enjoy some yummy food, great tv, and quality time together! I'm happy and thankful everyone is safe! Check out my chilupas! Mmm...mmm...gooood!

Monday, February 25, 2013

I Washed My Couch! Say What?

     Today I washed my couch!  Well, it was actually my couch cushions! But I sure feel like I washed my couch! Ahh it is so nice and fresh now!  Why did I do this you might be wondering?  Well, I have a two year old and we have started potty training!  Or at least we are trying to! LOL!  Dacen had been doing pretty good the other day with no accidents but not ever peeing in the potty either, until he got good and comfy on the couch!  I looked over and notice that... YEP... he peed on the couch! Our couch is microfiber and I have to say I LOVE microfiber.  We purchased our couch almost 10 years ago and it still looks in pretty good shape!  However, after Dacen's accident, I could NOT get the smell of pee out!  I tried febreeze, rubbing alcohol, soap and water, nothing was working.  Steve said he couldn't smell it anymore and it must just be my imagination.  No it was not my imagination!  I definintely know when I smell something! Maybe it's because with this pregnancy my since of smell is heightened and I can smell EVERYTHING! It was REALLY bothering me, so much that I started looking for new couches online! LOL!  Then Steve said, "Wait!  Don't the couch cushion coverings come right off?  They have a zipper!" It was like I heard angels singing as this comment came out of his mouth!  I was like, YES!!!  Then he got on the Internet and starting reading how everyone said, "DO NOT wash microfiber couch coverings!".  I decided to take this task into my own hands.  LOL!  I kept reading and came across a mother of 3 who said she washed hers and they were just fine!  So I decided to take the risk!  I must say as I was loading up the washing machine I was really nervous!  Once they were done washing, I pulled them out and they looked fine!  The smell was gone!  Hallelujah! So I decided to take things further and....dry them!  This had me really nervous!  When the timer went off I walked ran to the dryer in anticipation!  Yo my surprise they turned out GREAT!  They didn't shrink and they were fresh and clean!  They slipped right back on!  Thank goodness they were pretty thick covers so they smell didn't seep down into the actual cushion.  Now my couch is fresh and clean!  I am thinking, "Why didn't I ever do this before?" I washed and dried them on delicate settings. This may not work for everyone!  It was VERY VERY RISKY to try!  But if you are like me the smell is worse than the risk!  GO For it! LOL! It worked for me :)

     Here is my fresh, clean couch! Ahhhh!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

9 Weeks

     Today I am 9 weeks! Yay! I am still feeling SO tired! Today I went to the mall with my sister and usually I would want to go to Target or some other place after the mall, but today I was way too tired to keep going! We were only at the mall for a couple of hours and then I came home and took a nap with Dacen! I could not wait to get into comfy clothes! I still feel nauseous if I don't take the Zofran my doctor gave me, but it seems to be getting a little better. This week I had really bad cramps! This scared me at first since I don't remember ever having cramps with Dacen. But I have read that it can be normal, and they only lasted about a day. So maybe things were growing and stretching. Also, this week my back, shoulders, and neck have been hurting. I don't think I am sleeping very well or might be sleeping in awkward positions because I seem to wake up with aches and pains. This whole week I have felt like I have a really sore muscle it started in my shoulder blade and now my neck hurts! Its one of those annoying pains where it hurts to turn your head to one side! I know... I sound like a mess! LOL! But today I got one of those quick 10 minute massages they have set up in the middle of our mall and it seemed to help! I am hoping the second trimester is easier than this first one has been! I am still in shock of how different I feel from when I was pregnant with Dacen! I don't remember having any of these symptoms! I am still craving sweets but have been trying to eat healthier things such as fruits and yogurt, although I did buy me...ummm I mean Dacen some girl scout cookies. I went for the shortbread ones since they seemed like ones Dacen would like! It's still cold weather and we are expecting blizzard conditions over the next couple of days! Boo! I will definitely be staying inside where it's warm! Hoping it will be the last of the cold weather! So ready for Spring! I tried getting a picure with Dacen but he was being camera shy and covered his eyes! LOL!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Shawshank Redemption

     Tonight we are having a chilled night in.  I am still feeling a little yucky and it's so cold outside I just want to stay in where it's warm! Steve and I are recording The Shawshank Redemption.  Ironic story about this is that JUST a couple nights ago we wanted to watch this movie.  We had bought it a long time ago, but when I went to go put it on for us to watch I couldn't find it.  Then tonight I was just flipping through the channels to see if anything good was going to come on and BAM there it was!  Thankfully, I caught it in time to start recording.  Love when you have been wanting to see a movie and it comes on TV! I know I have seen this movie before but can't seem to remember what happens.  I am the MOST forgetful person when it comes to movies.  I actually kinda like this trait about me though! LOL!  Makes watching movies better for me since I can never remember the ending.  Steve remembers EVERYTHING about movies.  He is always like, "Do you seriously not remember what happens?" LOL!

     Today we went to pick out our lights but since they had not done what they call the "take off" yet (where they get all the measurements and number of lights) we were not able to pick them out today :( Oh well, we are going to back next Saturday!  We are getting closer to our move in date.  I can't believe it is less than a month away!  Well, I am off to do a little more packing and then we are going to make some popcorn and watch The Shawshank Redemption.  What is a movie that you wish would come on TV?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Night Out With Granny J

     Tonight Steve wanted to cook him a steak, watch the Thunder game, and load ammo. And Dacey was spending time with her boyfriend, so my mom and I decided to take Dacen out to eat and spend some quality time with each other! We went to Red Robin! It was yummy! I think Dacen's favorite part of the meal was his chocolate milk! He liked his milk even more than the dessert! LOL! At first I ordered him the freckled lemonade but he would not touch it, so we ordered chocolate milk! This was Granny J's idea! To me the thought of milk and food sounds gross unless it's cereal! LOL! But Dacen LOVED it! We had a good time with lots of good laughs! Then we went back to my mom and sister's house and talked to Dacey and her boyfriend while Dacen tried to impress everyone with his dancing skills! He can be quite the entertainer! Now I'm gonna get my jammies on and talk to my love while he finishes loading ammo!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wood Stains

     Today we picked out the stain for the woodwork in our new house! The house we live in now has white trim so we decided we wanted something different for this house! Although, I would love to have white trim in the baby's room, but not sure how that would look if the rest of the house was all dark. So we are just going with a dark stain for all the trim and the cabinets! Except for the hutch and island in the kitchen. We are going to do antique white for those pieces! The trim and furniture in the house will be pine wood and our cabinets are maple wood. Our builder dropped off samples of his three darkest colors! To me they were SO similar or maybe my eyesight is already starting to fail me! LOL! The three colors from left to right are Walnut Wainscot, Spanish Oak, and Weathered Teak. The top is top is the pine wood and the bottom is maple wood.The Walnut seemed to have a hint of red and the Weathered Teak was the darkest. We decided to go with the middle one Spanish Oak! Can't wait to see what the house is going to look like when they are all finished staining! The appraiser comes tomorrow! We are praying everything goes well, this will be the last step before we close! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

True Life and Feeling Yucky!

     I have been feeling yucky all day :(  So tonight Steve got Dacen ready for bed and I am in bed myself!  I figured I would watch a little TV and write on my blog before I fell asleep.  I went to On Demand and then the Free Zone!  I love that I can usually always find a TV show here if I happened to miss it or forgot to DVR it.  At first I checked out Dance Mom's since I forgot to DVR it last night but the new one was not up yet. So next I went to MTV and noticed you could watch episodes of True Life.  This TV show always catches my attention! I am in the middle of watching one now that caught my eye.  It is True Life I Have Orthorexia!  I have never even heard of this before!  Come to find out it is when you overdo healthy eating!  Who knew?!  I just started watching but so far it is very interesting to watch and learn.  I think I must have the opposite of this disease!  I overdo the junk food! LOL!  Especially, with this pregnancy!  I seem to want anything and everything sweet and unhealthy! However, I did go to the store tonight and picked up alot of fruits and veggies to start snacking on instead of always reaching for cookies and candy! Going to the store was not fun though becuase it was freezing cold outside!  Today was just an all around yucky day!  Hoping tomorrow it warms up and I feel better! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chevron for Baby!

I am already wanting to buy baby things!  I have been loving chevron and grey or is it gray?  I never really thought about the spelling of this color until now! LOL!  Anyway, this combo is one I am in love with for our little jellybean right now!  The great thing about this combo is it can be gender neutral!  Right now I am really liking the idea of doing the baby's room in chevron and grey (gray).  You can always add a pop of color like purple or pink for a girl, a shade of blue for a boy, or there is yellow and green colors if you wanted to keep the baby's gender a surprise!  We are too impatient to keep it a surprise!  We will be finding out what we are having as soon as we can :)  I have always thought it was really cool and fun when people keep it a surprise though!  I found two items on Pottery Barn Kids website tonight that I LOVE!  The first one is a chevron crib sheet and the second one is a chevron rug! I most definitely will be purchasing the chevron crib sheet!  Or maybe more than one! There are so many colors to choose from!  I learned with Dacen you can never have too many crib sheets on hand!  What are you loving right now?  

Monday, February 18, 2013

Family Fun Day

     Sunday Steve and I took Dacen to Dave and Buster's! We had never been before! It was a lot of fun! It's definitely better than Chuck E. Cheese! Except you do miss the cute little mouse running around! But the games and food are way better! Dacen had SO much fun! He loved playing all the games with his daddy! It was so nice to get out of the house and spend time with my two favorite boys! Even if you don't have kids you should go check it out! It is a place that would be a fun date or even if you go with a group of friends! We can't wait to go back!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

8 Weeks

     Today I am 8 weeks! YAY! The nausea has FINALLY stopped thanks to the Zofran I was prescribed! Those little pills do wonders! You take one when you wake up and you can take another one 8 eight hours later if you need to. I usually just have to take one a day, right when I get up! You place the pill under your tongue and it dissolves! So if you are one that doesn't like to swallow pills, they are great!

     I'm still tired all the time! I can lay down and take a nap anytime and then still go to bed early with no problems. I haven't been sleeping as great as I usually do! I seem to toss and turn a lot plus I have to get up to pee a lot! LOL! As far as cravings go I am still craving anything sweet! I have also noticed I feel a lot better when I snack throughout the day or eat smaller meals! I can't seem to eat a really big meal anymore! I usually end up with a stomach ache if I do! I haven't noticed any other symptoms except I might be a tiny bit emotional! Yesterday I was so tired and lazy so I didn't do anything (but watch Catfish and do laundry) and then I felt all depressed and sad for being such a frump all day! LOL! Today we got out of the house for a family outing and it made me feel lots better! (I'll do a little blog post tomorrow about our family fun day!)

     I typically would have begged my sister to do something with me on Saturday but she was sick all weekend! Boo! :(  I went by her house earlier tonight to get some boxes to pack and was happy to hear she is feeling better!  I work from home so sometimes by the end of the week I am so stir crazy! Getting out of the house today definitely helped raise my spirits! LOL!


Saturday, February 16, 2013


      I totally got sucked into watching Catfish on MTV today! They have been playing all the episodes back to back! I turned on the tv this afternoon and caught the end of Catfish The Movie and then all the episodes starting playing after it. I thought... oh I'll just watch one! No...I ended up watching almost ALL of them! LOL! My sister warned me it would be addicting once I started watching it! She has seen all the episodes too! I have been watching them while catching up on laundry so I have been a tiny bit proactive, but not much! I plan on being more active and productive tomorrow! Hopefully, we will get some more packing done! Now back to watching more episodes of Catfish! Trying to get caught up on them all before the season finale on Monday :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Outback for Dinner!

     Tonight we went Outback Steakhouse for dinner! It was so yummy! Dacen absolutely LOVED the Bloomin Onion we ordered! He just dug right in as soon as they sat it on the table! It was nice to have a little late Valentine's dinner with my two favorite boys! Now I am going to do a little house packing and then kick back and watch a movie! Steve and I are trying to decide what to watch! Have you seen any good movies lately? If so I would love to hear what you've seen and what you thought about it!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

     Happy Valentine's Day!  We surprised Dacen this morning with a little present!  I think his favorite part of the present were the marshmallows! His Granny J and Auntie Dacey came over this morning and surprised him with the movie Peter Pan and donuts!  Dacen absolutely LOVES donuts!  They were the prettiest donuts!  All covered in sprinkles!  We both chomped right into them before I even thought about getting a pic of them to share!  His Granny J took him to school and they had their Valentine's Day pizza party.  He came home with lots of Valentines and tons of candy!  His Nannie and Poppie got him a little Valentine gift as well.  Some jammies and MORE candy!  Dacen has been full of energy today from all the sugar and has not had a nap!  I am sure he is going to crash tonight!  Steve and I decided to pass on gifts for each other this year since we are building a house.  I am getting my built in vanity in our master closet and he is getting to turn one the garage's into a workshop so we said that would just be our Valentine's to each other!  We may go eat at The Melting Pot next week sometime, that sounds so yummy to me!  When I was pregnant with Dacen, I craved The Melting Pot...ALL the time!  I know... an expensive craving to have! LOL!  Tonight we are just staying in.  Steve is getting ready to watch the big basketball game, Thunder vs. The Heat!  Go Thunder!!!!  And Dacen and I are going to get ready for bed soon and watch Peter Pan together!  Hope everyone is having a great Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

First Doctor Appointment!

     Today was out first doctor appointment with baby #2! It was so AMAZING seeing our tiny jellybean on the screen and seeing the heartbeat! The sound was messed up so we couldn't hear it! But we could see it was beating strong at 160 beats per minute! My due date is September 29th!  So I was right on when my weeks change.  They change every Sunday.  So today I was actually 7 weeks and 3 days! The doctor said they will most likely induce me though since Dacen was so big!  Dacen was 9 pounds and 4 ounces and he was 4 days early. No one had a clue I was going to have a baby that big! I remember when we brought him home, his coming home outfit was too small! LOL!  He was wearing 3 month clothing right from the start!

     My doctor prescribed me something for my nausea today! I think it is called Zofran. I haven't picked it up yet but I will let you know if it works! We go back in 4 weeks so our next appointment is March 13th! This appointment is optional. It is where they do genetic testing, we went to this one with Dacen too. It was at this appointment that we actaully found out we were having a boy! Today was a great day! I feel so very blessed and thankful to God!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Let It Snow!

      Today it snowed! It was a BEAUTIFUL snow! I have never in my life seen snowflakes in Oklahoma the size of the ones I saw today! They were huge! Steve and Dacen played in the snow for a little bit but it was getting really cold so they had to come in! It was so cute watching Steve teach Dacen how to make a snowball! They would have got to play in the snow earlier but today we had our house inspection! It went great! The realtor said it was one of the best she has seen, so that made us really happy! After Dacen was done playing in the snow with daddy we all came in and had stew! I did a blog post on the recipe a while back if you are interested in checking it out just click here! Then we had strawberry cupcakes! Please don't judge my frosting skills! LOL! I baked these up real quick for a yummy treat! This pregnancy has me craving and loving anything sweet! Now I am going to kick back and watch Pretty Little Liars! So excited!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Contract Pending

     YAY! We have a contract pending on our house! We are so excited and so very very blessed that we got an offer so fast! The inspector comes tomorrow so I am crossing my fingers and praying everything goes well! We are so happy that we have not had to show our house anymore! Since we are still living here it was so hard for me not to be at our house while other people were looking at it! Also, it was so hard trying to constantly keep it looking spic and span with a two year old! LOL! I am hoping to start some packing this week and hoping my nausea goes away! This is not a good time to be feeling queasy! I have way too much to get done! :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

7 Weeks

     I'm 7 weeks today!  This coming week I am looking forward to our first doctor appointment.  It is the day before Valentine's Day!  We are so excited and can't wait! I am still feeling nauseous but now I seem to have more of a stomach ache from time to time :(  It's so crazy to me how different I am feeling with this one than with Dacen.  I am still extremely tired all the time too.  Yesterday I basically slept off and on the whole day and still was able to take a nap today.  LOL!  Smells are definitely starting to get to me too!  Tonight my husband made some geese breasts his Uncle gave him and EWW the smell just got to me.  I made sure to stay in the bedroom watching the Grammy's while he was cooking.  Dacen and I ended up having corn dogs for dinner. Not the healthiest thing in the world but it was easy to make!  I was not in the adventurous food consuming mood tonight to give the geese a try.  Other than feeling nauseous, a stomach ache and being extremely tired, my boobs still seem to be really tender and sore.  But other than that I am doing great :) It sure was nice to have a four day weekend, but it's back to work tomorrow.  I will make sure and post pictures of our ultrasound on Wednesday! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Freddy's Frozen Custard!

     Today has been a lazy day! Dacen and I have slept most of the day, while Steve went shooting with some friends. It's been one of those cold, dreary days where you just want to be warm and cozy inside! Even though I am warm and cozy inside I am craving ice cream, actually frozen custard to be exact! I am so happy that last night I picked me up some Freddy's Frozen Custard on the way home and saved it in the freezer! I have been loving the vanilla with sprinkles! Yum! It's becoming a new craving of mine! Tonight Steve is making steaks and we plan on watch movies! We watched Flight last night and it was really good! I am hoping tomorrow will be a warmer day outside and that I will have more energy!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Oklahoma Aquarium

     Today we went to the Oklahoma Aquarium! Dacen loved it! Although we were all a little tired from the night before! Dacen ended up waking up in the middle of the night and since we didn't have any milk we gave him some apple juice from the vending machine. He ended up getting sick :( I was the same way with apple juice when I was little. Since the housekeeping was not working during the middle of the night they ended up having to switch us rooms! Thank goodness he didn't get sick anymore! We didn't get to sleep until about 5 or 6 in the morning! However, we did get a later check out time so we were able to get a little bit of sleep! Dacen woke up feeling fine and ready to play! The Aquarium was so much fun! I think Dacen favorite part was playing with all the other kids.  He made some friends at the shark tunnel! Can't wait to take Steve back there with us someday! Now we are back home and Steve and I are about to watch Flight! Dacen is watching The Lorax for the 100th time! LOL! I had do much fun hanging out with my mom, sister, and Dacen! Can't wait to do it again soon! Minus Dacen getting sick!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


     We made it to Tulsa! Tonight my sister and I saw my husband's cousin perform in the play Cats! It was phenomenal! Before we left for Cats we took Dacen to the water park in the hotel and he LOVED it! We are taking him again in the morning! While we were at the play Dacen hung out with Granny J in the hotel room! They had so much fun together! Now we are enjoying some Mazzio's and having girl talk while Dacen is snuggled in bed fast asleep. I can't wait for another fun filled day tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Packing and Best Auntie Ever!

     Tomorrow we are leaving for Tulsa!  My mom, sister, Dacen, and I are going to Tulsa for a little getaway!  We are super excited :) Check out what my sister made Dacen to take on our little roadtrip!!!  It's a snack box with all Dacen's favorite treats!  She is the BEST AUNTIE EVER!!!  I know Dacen is going to LOVE it! 

  Tulsa is not too far but it is a couple hours away so we are staying overnight in a hotel with a little waterpark in it!  We are going to Tulsa to see my husband's younger cousin in the play Cats!  I have never seen this play so I'm really looking forward to it.  My sister and I are going to the play tomorrow night while my mom and Dacen play at the hotel.  On Friday we plan to stop at The Oklahoma Aquarium on the way back for Dacen.  I am SO looking forward to spending time with my mom and sister and so happy Dacen is coming along with us.  As you can see Dacen insisted that Woody come along too! LOL!  Well I am off to go spend some time with Steve and watch Nashville!  I am sure he will be looking forward to having the whole house to himself for a couple of days!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Getting Closer!

     Tonight we picked out our wood floors! YAY! Also, Steve drove by the house today and they started putting the stone up! We are getting closer! As far as pregnancy goes I'm still nauseous more and more.  Ugh!  Hoping this sick feeling passes soon!  Ice cream and watching Pretty Little Liars with my mom and sister made me feel a little better!  I was very thankful that Steve got Dacen ready for bed tonight while I got to take a hot shower!  Now I'm all snuggled in bed and about to watch The Bachelor!  The Bachelor two nights in a row!  Loving this two night special!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Lerch Knives

     Steve, my husband, started a blog!  He makes custom knives!  He has been making knives for a little over a year now.  Knife making is a side project he started as a hobbie and he turned it into a business. His knives are beautiful, functional, and super sharp.  I'm so proud of him and always super impressed when he shows me his finished work that I just had to share his blog with you! If you are looking for a Valentine's Day present for your loved one or if you just like beautiful, handmade things you should definintely go check his blog out. The name of his blog is Lerch Knives! You can click the link in green and it will take you right there! :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

6 Weeks

     I have not went to my first doctor appointment yet but I am thinking I should be 6 weeks today! First thing I have noticed being pregnant is that I am SO tired! I remember being really tired with Dacen too! A couple things that are different with this pregnancy is my boobs are definitely growing and are really tender and I feel a little nauseous from time to time! I would feel queasy with Dacen if I was hungry but with this one I sometimes feel nauseous even after I have ate! It doesn't last very long, just for a little bit and then I am fine! Not any sickness (like throwing up) so I'm VERY thankful! Hoping it stays that way! We are so looking forward to our first appointment, which will be on February 13th! Can't wait to hear our little jellybean's heart beat! Oh by the way I love my pregnancy stickers!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Valentine Cookies!

     Today we had two showings for our house that is for sale.  So since we needed to be out of the house Dacen and I went and picked up Panera Bread for lunch!  I just love their Big Kid Grilled Cheese.  They had the cutest Valentine cookies.  I couldn't resist!  I had to get one for Dacen and one for myself too! :)  So yummy! Dacen thought so too! After we ate Dacen played with his toys while I got sucked into watching movies on Lifetime! LOL!  My husband was away today practicing for a shooting competition, so this is why the TV was on Lifetime today!  Oh and we got some exciting news today!  We got our first offer on our house!  YAY!  We did counter offer to be able to push the closing date out until our new home is finished!  Crossing my fingers they accept it! Well I am off to go watch Groundhog Day!  I saw it was playing all day so I DVR'd it since I've never seen it!  Have you seen it? Speaking of Groundhog Day does anyone know if the groundhog saw his shadow?  I haven't even looked it up yet.  Hopefully he did, that means Spring will be early right?  Happy Groundhog Day!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Pregnancy Stickers!

     Yay!  My package I have been waiting for came in the mail today!  I absolutely LOVE Etsy!  I did a search for pregnancy and came across pregnancy stickers for your belly!  I thought these were SO cute and such a great idea for tracking your progress.  I just HAD to order some!  There are a TON on Etsy but I found one set that I particularly liked.  The reason I chose the set I did is because it came with 42 weeks and even some bonus stickers!  Plus they were only $15.  I plan on wearing a plain colored shirt with the sticker and taking a picture each week!  I also plan to post the pics on my blog so I can look back on them.  The shop on Etsy that I purchased my stickers is Pink Texas Designs If you are pregnant or know someone who is you should definintely go check these stickers out!